#124663: "The +1 power doesn't work the way it should."
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
상세한 설명
• 만약 오류 메세지가 화면에 나타났다면, 그 오류 메세지를 복사해서 붙여넣어 주시기 바랍니다.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 무엇을 하고 싶었고, 무엇을 했고, 무슨 일이 일어났는지를 설명해 주십시오
Used the +1 power.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
Used the +1 power.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 당신이 막혔을 때 화면에 무엇이 나타났습니까?(검은 화면? 게임 인터페이스? 오류 메시지?)
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
Used the +1 power.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 당신이 하고 싶었던 게임 내 행동이 어느 것입니까?
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 이 게임 행동을 하기 위해 무엇을 시도했습니까?
Used the +1 power.• 당신이 이것을 하려고 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태창 메시지 등)
No error message.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 어떤 부분에서 문제가 발생 하였나요(문제가 발생했을 당시 어떤 지시가 내려졌었나요)?
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 당신이 게임 행동을 하려 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태 막대 메시지, ...)
Used the +1 power.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 디스플레이 문제를 설명해주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
Used the +1 power.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
On table 515773412, turn 75.
With the following cards :
- Unique
- Higher
- 7 to 9
- Odd
With a 6 and 7 in my hands.
The game has the option "Ensure valid plays" active.
With my 6 and 7, i can play on Unique and Odd.
I wanted to play the +1 power to treat my unplayed tile 1 higher than the printed value.
So i wanted to treat my 6 like a 7, so i have double 7 in hands, so i can't play anwhere, so i have to play on the black card The Hours.
After playing the +1 power, the game doesn't refresh valid plays, so I can still play on Unique and Odd, that's the bug.
This power does not seem to work with the option Ensure valid plays.
Here is on the official website a FAQ for this power (search Shadows, or +1)
www.meromorphgames.com/shipwreck-arcana/powers• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla 125
보고 이력
Q: What if I can't play anywhere except The Hours, but using a power (such as Shadows) would let me play elsewhere?
A: In this case, you may either:
- Not use the power, and play on The Hours.
- Use the power, and play elsewhere.
You are not required to use the power and play elsewhere. But if you do use the power and now can play elsewhere, you must play elsewhere.
This situation works in reverse, as well. If you currently can play elsewhere, but using a power (such as Shadows) would make it impossible for you to play anywhere except The Hours, you may either:
- Not use the power, and play elsewhere.
- Use the power, and play on The Hours.
But here, after you use Shadows ("+1"), you still have a valid play; you can put the 6 on The Rider ("Unique"), which makes the unplayed 7 become an 8 for the rest of the turn. The way that I read that FAQ entry, the game is correct not to let you play on The Hours in that situation.
On the UI front, what you're suggesting is actually how I was initially thinking of implementing Shadows. However, that would create some tricky situations, similar to the ones that the last FAQ entry for Shadows discusses ("Q: How does Shadows interact with cards like Dawn or The Noble? A: When you use Shadows, you increment the value of whichever fate you don’t play. This can lead to some tricky scenarios! Let’s walk through a few of them. [...]").
For example, what would happen if you had two fates, A and B, and you explicitly chose to apply the +1 power to A, and that left you unable to play anywhere except The Hours? We'd need to ensure that, if playing Shadows on B would let you play somewhere other than The Hours, we prevented you from playing on The Hours and let you switch to the other token.
Instead, the way the game works is a lot more similar to what that FAQ describes---the token you don't play does not get the +1 effect until you play the other one! When you have the Shadows power active, instead of asking "Would either of fates A and B be valid on this card?", the game asks "If I had fates A and B+1, would fate A be a valid play? If I had fates A+1 and B, would B be a valid play?"
Does that make sense? Am I understanding what you said correctly?
After using the +1, i still can play on Unique and Odd.
For Unique, it works if you "force" the +1 on the 7, but then we have no choice, it greatly limits the usefulness of the power.
For Odd, it doesn't make any difference if you give the +1 to any tile, the result is NOT odd, I shouldn't be able to play this card.
If we imagine that that bug has been fixed (and it has been; the fix will be included in my next release) I think that the game is correct that in showing that playing a 6 on The Rider ("Unique") is your only valid play.
You had a 6 and 7 in hand, and there were a 1 and 2 in play. If you play your 6 on The Rider, the 7 in your hand becomes an 8, and that satisfies the uniqueness rule; but if you play the 7, the 6 in your hand becomes a 7, and that then the uniqueness rule is no longer satisfied.
What I was trying to explain in my previous comment is that, if I'm reading the rules correctly (in particular the FAQ entry on Shadows), you can't pick which fate you want the +1 power to apply to in advance in order to create a situation where you can play one fate on The Hours, if you could play the other fate on another card. My reading is that Shadows *always* applies to whichever you don't play.
Does that make more sense? Maybe I'll create a post on BGG and see if we can get one of the designers to weigh in.
So the order is :
1) power is activated
2) choose the tile that will gain the +1
3) Play the other tile on a card.
If we respect this order, it should be possible to play on The Hours with this power.
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