모든 보고
타쉬-칼라 보고
#131419: "The turn counter is displaying hours"
worksforme: 개발자가 이 버그를 재현할 수 없었습니다
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상세한 설명
• 당신이 막혔을 때 화면에 무엇이 나타났습니까?(검은 화면? 게임 인터페이스? 오류 메시지?)
I have a game I'd like to end because the player is no longer there but I'm unable to end it because it's only at 44% and I can't concede. Nor can I abandon cuz they didn't agree.. And now the turn counter is displaying some random number and not counting down.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v17.4
보고 이력
2024년 7월 23일 17:37 •
Quinarbre • 개발자가 이 버그를 재현할 수 없었습니다:
2024년 7월 23일 20:14 • It's a turn based game, it's normal to have a time counter in hours.
It doesn't prevent you from joining other tables, and your opponent will probably play again during the next day.
It doesn't prevent you from joining other tables, and your opponent will probably play again during the next day.
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