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#13820: "Player had progress tiles they were ineligible for"
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• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
One player managed to claim 3 end game scoring tiles for which they did not have the respective deliveries. I have scoured the rulebook and I can see no way to claim a marker without coal deliveries. I don’t believe it is ever possible to have both the Ruhr Barge and Mayor tokens, for example.• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
Yes, though I cannot identify the time they were claimed from the games log.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v11
보고 이력
campanadave • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2019년 11월 3일 8:52 • Error did not seem to be a graphical issue as I believe end game points were awarded for these tiles and the appearance of the tiles was consistent for multiple turns.
DrKarotte • 개발자가 버그를 확인했습니다:
2019년 11월 3일 19:40 • I have in fact noticed that at a certain time one player had 2 tokens on his board which he should not have. I have not detected the reason for that; I played against myself and in a similar situation (cubes distribution) I didn't get one of the tokens, so everything seems to be ok. Will have to investigate this...
jennakaya • 개발자가 버그를 확인했습니다:
2019년 11월 26일 23:11 • In game #59839825 (at around move 239), I should have received the Warehouse token, but instead it was given to the blue player, and I was given the blank token. In the log it reads:
jennakaya claims a white development token (Warehouse)
and then:
This was the last token of this kind (Warehouse); jennakaya covers her spot with a blank development token
jennakaya claims a white development token (Warehouse)
and then:
This was the last token of this kind (Warehouse); jennakaya covers her spot with a blank development token
DrKarotte • 개발자가 버그를 확인했습니다:
2019년 11월 27일 22:06 • Thank you for reporting this and the log, which gave a good hint (the blue player got the token, but it was your name displayd). This finally helped me to detect a mistake which would cause problems when more than 1 token was claimed for a player, and the second one the last of its type (this was exactly your case). I am confident to have fixed this, so that it won't happen anymore, but unfortunately I cannot fix the table.
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