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#149167: "Unexpected error: Not enough fert available -- actionPlant when I tried to plant seeds"
fixed: 버그가 수정되었습니다
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• 당신이 막혔을 때 화면에 무엇이 나타났습니까?(검은 화면? 게임 인터페이스? 오류 메시지?)
I got a red error bar that said " Unexpected error: Not enough fert available -- actionPlant:1211 (reference: GS9 12/12 17:19:47)" when I tried to plant a wheat seed and a blueberry bush. I tried again, got the same error, took off the blueberry bush and was able to plant just the wheat seed.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla v5
보고 이력
ChukG • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2024년 12월 12일 17:26 •
2024년 12월 12일 17:28 • Seems consistent, I have had a few similar errors when trying to do things that were against the rules but didn't record any of them.
ChukG • 버그를 재현하려면 개발자에게 더 많은 정보가 필요합니다:
2024년 12월 12일 17:36 •
2024년 12월 13일 20:47 • It was move 71 or 72, I had 0 fertilizer (I traded 2 at the start of the turn)
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