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#153665: "Extra cubes from Treasure Cards not able to be choose a different location during restart"
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인터페이스 때문에 룰 상 할 수 있는 특정 행동을 하지 못했습니다
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• 당신이 하고 싶었던 게임 내 행동이 어느 것입니까?
In the mist of a turn, after scoring a treasure card from a ruin, I received an extra cube to place.
I picked a spot and placed my extra cube then proceeded to complete my turn with additional movements I could make.
I then changed my mind on the placement of that extra cube and wanted to restart my turn from the point of receiving the Treasure Card. However, the game brought me to the state after I selected my cube placement making it permanent.
Also, when scoring Vase cards, to make sure I understand, if you have 4 of them, then that means they are scored 16 x 4 with each vase going up in value and is counted individually? Or should all 4 together only be 16 points?• 이 게임 행동을 하기 위해 무엇을 시도했습니까?
Hit restart turn after placing the extra cube.• 당신이 이것을 하려고 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태창 메시지 등)
No error message. Just unexpected result.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Google Chrome v132
보고 이력
2025년 1월 17일 19:16 •
BoucleMed • 버그가 수정되었습니다:
2025년 1월 21일 9:05 • Hi,
You are right, when you place a extra cube, it is not possible to choose a different location during restart. For now, this move is linked to the treasure card, and I don't allow this change.
For your question about vbase cards : 'Vase cards are scored as a set at the
end of the game. A full set of vase
cards is worth 16 . Additional
vase cards score 4 each.'
So 4 together are only 16 points
You are right, when you place a extra cube, it is not possible to choose a different location during restart. For now, this move is linked to the treasure card, and I don't allow this change.
For your question about vbase cards : 'Vase cards are scored as a set at the
end of the game. A full set of vase
cards is worth 16 . Additional
vase cards score 4 each.'
So 4 together are only 16 points
Rahstaman • 버그가 수정되었습니다:
2025년 1월 23일 17:34 • Thank you for the prompt response. And I appreciate you as a developer for all the work you put into recreating this great game. If I could push this topic a little more: I've replayed this game a couple more times, and each time, all players in the game made the same mistake. Even when I prepped new players of the scenario, it still didn't make sense until it happened to them. The issue, is that the game outstandingly gives the player the option, at any time, to restart their turn. This implies to all new players that the treasure card, up to a point is also restartable. Since it doesn't say anywhere in the rules that placing the bonus cube isn't permanent, and from a UI perspective, a player would expect to move that bonus cube, like they would if this were a physical game, i believe it creates a bad user experience going through it the first time. I would ask that you consider making the restart happen at the reveal of the treasure card again. This would resolve the scenario in all cases. Or make it clear that placing the bonus cube cannot be undone. - thanks again
Stewardess Gojira • 버그가 수정되었습니다:
2025년 1월 24일 18:55 • I encountered the same problem. I got a treasure that allowed me to place a free cube. I chose a spot for the free cube. Then changed my mind. I hit undo turn (only option available). It placed the cube anyway. Note: I only wanted to move the free cube. I didn't want to undo the selecting of the spot with the treasure. Game ID#619804870
RothanaRae • 버그가 수정되었습니다:
2025년 2월 13일 6:12 • I just experienced this. This bug has not been fixed. I got a bonus cube from a treasure card. I wanted to change where I placed the cube, hit restart turn, and the game stole my cube away from me. It didn't simply undo my cube placement. I accept that I drew a new card and revealed new information - I merely wanted to change where I placed down my bonus cube.
On another ruin I got another bonus cube card, and to test if I'd done something wrong on the previous one I tried to change my mind again and the game again stole my cube from me. I suspect this means that the restart turn is being too literal. If I had drawn a card like an urn the game wouldn't take my card draw away from me. It should keep the card I've drawn and let me resolve it when I restart my turn, or there should be a different button in this situation which lets you undo the cube replacement with no option to restart the whole turn allowed. This would be a non issue on the table.
On another ruin I got another bonus cube card, and to test if I'd done something wrong on the previous one I tried to change my mind again and the game again stole my cube from me. I suspect this means that the restart turn is being too literal. If I had drawn a card like an urn the game wouldn't take my card draw away from me. It should keep the card I've drawn and let me resolve it when I restart my turn, or there should be a different button in this situation which lets you undo the cube replacement with no option to restart the whole turn allowed. This would be a non issue on the table.
BoucleMed • 버그를 재현하려면 개발자에게 더 많은 정보가 필요합니다:
2025년 2월 13일 21:10 • Hi
When you place a cube from your treasure card, you have a new message : ' Action is non-cancellable - Confirm ?' with the possibility of moving the cube before confirming.
I am sorry, but I don't succeed in reproducing your trouble : I cannot find the game can stole you the cube. Please, send me your table number and move number in order I replay your game.
When you place a cube from your treasure card, you have a new message : ' Action is non-cancellable - Confirm ?' with the possibility of moving the cube before confirming.
I am sorry, but I don't succeed in reproducing your trouble : I cannot find the game can stole you the cube. Please, send me your table number and move number in order I replay your game.
Asya_splux • 버그를 재현하려면 개발자에게 더 많은 정보가 필요합니다:
2025년 2월 28일 8:25 • I've got the same bag, boardgamearena.com/1/theguildofmerchantexplorers?table=636656625
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