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플립 7 보고
#158148: "Card distribution"
wontfix: 이 버그는 고쳐지지 않을 것입니다
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무슨 일이 발생했나요? 아래에서 선택하세요
규칙: 게임 내 규칙이 적용되지 않았습니다
상세한 설명
• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
Maybe I’m wrong, but the statistical likelihood of us both drawing almost identical cards of these low numbers seems very small. I didn’t document it but I feel like this isn’t the first time that I start to see a lot of low numbers as the deck runs out• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
See current table conditions• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v18.1
보고 이력
2025년 2월 16일 12:47 •
BanBan • 이 버그는 고쳐지지 않을 것입니다:
2025년 2월 17일 9:15 • Php native fonction are used for shuffling cards here.
You have the feeling it's not random, but this feeling needs proof with real facts (statistics).
This subject already exists on the platform here:
It's not game related but platform related.
You have the feeling it's not random, but this feeling needs proof with real facts (statistics).
This subject already exists on the platform here:
It's not game related but platform related.
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