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디스틸드 보고
#158676: "forced to accept solo goal"
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무슨 일이 발생했나요? 아래에서 선택하세요
규칙: 게임 내 규칙이 적용되지 않았습니다
상세한 설명
• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
in a solo game, it is optional to accept a solo goal (physical rulebook, page 23, 2nd paragraph).
i completed the requirements for a solo goal but tried to skip accepting the goal.
I'm not sure, whether i first clicked on the goal before "returning", but in the end i always received a server error when i tried skipping the goal. i was only able to accept the goal after reloading (F5). before reloading i got a server error when trying to accept the goal.• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
end of round 6• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla v5
보고 이력
pipboy20k • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2025년 2월 20일 10:52 • With F5 i was able to continue playing, without the game was stuck.
still, i was forced to accept a goal that should have been optional
still, i was forced to accept a goal that should have been optional
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