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#159448: "Acid attack not combining with Meka Dragon's nuclear breath"
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• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
Card wording unclear or game has a bug.• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
Should be.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Google Chrome v133
보고 이력
2025년 2월 26일 10:13 •
Mounek • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2025년 2월 28일 17:50 • The acid attack doesn't work with the ! dice when you play meka dragon
TomKy • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2025년 3월 1일 19:02 •
2025년 3월 7일 17:48 • Its not a rule violation. Its not considered as a rolled claw, so it doesn't count. It only multiplies with rolled ! and rolled claws. If you have something which adds dice, its considered rolled and its multiplies.
jjthejetplane246 • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2025년 3월 24일 18:48 • "Its not a rule violation. Its not considered as a rolled claw, so it doesn't count. It only multiplies with rolled ! and rolled claws. If you have something which adds dice, its considered rolled and its multiplies."
Acid Attack says "add 1 claw to your roll"
Meka Dragon says "You can treat claw in your roll as claw x !"
I think it's clear that the claw that Acid Attacks adds should be treated the same as any rolled claw
Acid Attack says "add 1 claw to your roll"
Meka Dragon says "You can treat claw in your roll as claw x !"
I think it's clear that the claw that Acid Attacks adds should be treated the same as any rolled claw
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