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#161285: "Losing a fight I clearly one"
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I often lose fights when my total is higher (i.e. I just lost a fight to a level 1 creature and yet their total strength was 9 and mine was 17)• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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보고 이력
2025년 3월 13일 15:59 •
David Kühn • 개발자가 이 제안에 대한 더 자세한 정보를 요청했습니다:
2025년 3월 13일 16:18 • Hey!
I cannot watch the replay while the game is running. But right now I can see, that you have 0 hearts. So from your describtion, you might not be aware of one super important rule:
You lose hearts, even if you are stronger. And if you drop to 0 hearts you lose the fight. So you both have to be stronger AND survive (not lose your last heart).
Does that solve your problem?
I cannot watch the replay while the game is running. But right now I can see, that you have 0 hearts. So from your describtion, you might not be aware of one super important rule:
You lose hearts, even if you are stronger. And if you drop to 0 hearts you lose the fight. So you both have to be stronger AND survive (not lose your last heart).
Does that solve your problem?
David Kühn • 개발자는 이 제안이 좋지 않거나 이점에 비해 너무 많은 노력이 들어간다고 생각합니다:
2025년 3월 13일 18:28 • Player seems to have not been aware of the rule.
win_or_not_win • 개발자는 이 제안이 좋지 않거나 이점에 비해 너무 많은 노력이 들어간다고 생각합니다:
2025년 3월 16일 11:17 • I had the problem too and did not know in the situation why i had lost.
yes i my last 3 cases i know it was rules "0 hearts after combat and you loose the fight" or iexpained it to my oponent so "yes, you slay the monster but did not survive , so you lost too"
That is bot easy to understand for beginners in some case to loose with exorbitant strength.
So my proposal there is extend the message to make it clear.
that is not only easy for beginners it could help if there is a calution problem on changes now weapons or so on.
so my proposals are to add further infos in case :
my screenshot is only loosing all hitpoints not slay the monter and loosing hitpoints - If ound no fast way to do that. sorry for that.
-- "you died"
- "you slay the monster but you died"
- "lost all hp, so lost fight too
- eventually marked the hitpoint you lost after fight"
see screenshot.
yes i my last 3 cases i know it was rules "0 hearts after combat and you loose the fight" or iexpained it to my oponent so "yes, you slay the monster but did not survive , so you lost too"
That is bot easy to understand for beginners in some case to loose with exorbitant strength.
So my proposal there is extend the message to make it clear.
that is not only easy for beginners it could help if there is a calution problem on changes now weapons or so on.
so my proposals are to add further infos in case :
my screenshot is only loosing all hitpoints not slay the monter and loosing hitpoints - If ound no fast way to do that. sorry for that.
-- "you died"
- "you slay the monster but you died"
- "lost all hp, so lost fight too
- eventually marked the hitpoint you lost after fight"
see screenshot.
win_or_not_win • 개발자는 이 제안이 좋지 않거나 이점에 비해 너무 많은 노력이 들어간다고 생각합니다:
2025년 3월 16일 23:20 • screenshot
aktuelle Herzen ist auch unglücklich formuliert da man sich immer frgat vor oder nahc dem Kampf.
aktuelle Herzen ist auch unglücklich formuliert da man sich immer frgat vor oder nahc dem Kampf.
David Kühn • 이 제안은 적용되었습니다:
2025년 3월 17일 1:40 • I now updated the Log-Lines for lost fights to make it more clear, why players lost. Also I changed "Current Hearts" zu just "Hearts" and marked the ones, that you are about to lose in red. Should help to make things more clear. :-)
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