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#161617: "mxied for character-selection is usefull in case of playing against a newbie"
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In this game used the Option select character and I thought as experienced player I would take a default character and allow my newbie oponent to chosse a special charcater to have more advances at start.
but if I choose to the default character the option to select a special char was gone too.
It would be nice for first game or other constellation to give one or more players a handicap to play with defualt char against special char with fetats.
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2025년 3월 16일 21:56 •
David Kühn • 개발자가 이 제안에 대한 더 자세한 정보를 요청했습니다:
2025년 3월 16일 22:09 • Two things:
1. I don´t understand your issue. When choosing characters, each character can decide, if they want to play a generic or special character. What didn´t work for you?
2. Your main-approach/goal is the wrong way around. The generic characters are no handycap. They are balanced against the special characters and are neither stronger, nor weaker. They are just simpler. They exist for 2 reasons. They allow the players to start with the same generic character to have an even start, if they want, and to make live easy for new players, that they have an easy start into the game and don´t have to worry about learing a special character with its querks in addition to the game itself. The I would highly recomment not to give new players special characters and play generic ones yourself, but the give the new players the genereric chars.
1. I don´t understand your issue. When choosing characters, each character can decide, if they want to play a generic or special character. What didn´t work for you?
2. Your main-approach/goal is the wrong way around. The generic characters are no handycap. They are balanced against the special characters and are neither stronger, nor weaker. They are just simpler. They exist for 2 reasons. They allow the players to start with the same generic character to have an even start, if they want, and to make live easy for new players, that they have an easy start into the game and don´t have to worry about learing a special character with its querks in addition to the game itself. The I would highly recomment not to give new players special characters and play generic ones yourself, but the give the new players the genereric chars.
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