#26872: "No action was given as a choice or executed when Horus card was used (to enter tomb)"
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
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• 만약 오류 메세지가 화면에 나타났다면, 그 오류 메세지를 복사해서 붙여넣어 주시기 바랍니다.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 무엇을 하고 싶었고, 무엇을 했고, 무슨 일이 일어났는지를 설명해 주십시오
96• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
96• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 당신이 막혔을 때 화면에 무엇이 나타났습니까?(검은 화면? 게임 인터페이스? 오류 메시지?)
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
96• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 당신이 하고 싶었던 게임 내 행동이 어느 것입니까?
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 이 게임 행동을 하기 위해 무엇을 시도했습니까?
96• 당신이 이것을 하려고 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태창 메시지 등)
• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 어떤 부분에서 문제가 발생 하였나요(문제가 발생했을 당시 어떤 지시가 내려졌었나요)?
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 당신이 게임 행동을 하려 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태 막대 메시지, ...)
96• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 디스플레이 문제를 설명해주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
96• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
This happened in the same game as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=26871
A rules clarification may be needed. In this game on the move in question, in addition to the bug filed above, there appears to be 2 bugs:
1) No action choice was given after playing the “advance all adventurers” Horus card and advancing into the tomb chamber. (I actually advanced 2 adventurers, which caused its own different bug, filed separately.) This was unlike previous plays of this type of Horus card, when it would ask to select #1 an adventurer (albeit unnecessary), #2 a space (also unnecessary), then #3 an adventurer whose action to invoke (necessary). For that move, it only asked #1 and #2 and never asked #3.
2) No action was executed. Only a (single) sarcophagus was gained, but no action. I don’t believe claiming a sarcophagus is an action according to the rules — see below. However if it were an action, then the user should still be given a choice in case one of the other actions is more beneficial.
The relevant rules from the Queen rulebook:
Performing an Action: ”When an adventurer has completed its movement, the player performs the action of the tile on which the movement ended.” Actions are on tiles. The rules then specifically list out the 4 different tile types that have actions (Treasure/Temple/Horus/Osirus).
End of Game/Moving into the Final Chamber: There is no mention of actions anywhere in this section. The reward text is: “The first adventurer to enter the tomb chamber claims the sarcophagus worth 5 VPs. The second adventurer to reach this space will take the other one, worth 3 VPs. Both of these adventurers may belong to the same player. Other adventurers may still enter the tomb chamber during the final game round, using their key(s). However, they will not gain a sarcophagus.” As further evidence, the verb “claim” is not used anywhere else in describing actions — which suggests it is not an action but an automatic reward. However, rules clarification from the publisher may make sense here to confirm what the designer intended?
Horus card Summary/Advance all adventurers: “After the player has moved all of their active adventurers, they chose 1 to perform the action of the tile it is standing on.” Again, linking actions to tiles specifically. “Important! Even after using an “Advance all adventurers” card, a player can perform only 1 of the following actions: take 1 scarab or 1 wild card treasure tile or 1 treasure tile, or send 1 adventurer through a tunnel or draw 1 Horus card.” And once again, explicitly listing the only possible actions. Notably, claiming a sarcophagus is not one of allowed possibilities listed.
These all suggest that entering a tomb using the “Advance all adventurers” Horus card gives you one (or more, see bug #26871) sarcophagus as a reward AND still allows you to take an action — on any of the tiles your adventurers are on.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Safari v13.1
보고 이력
Entering the tomb is not considered as an action because it is the default action that should be triggered by move all the adventurer so when entering the tomb, you cannot choose anything else than looting a sarcophagus and don't get credit for another action :)
The tomb chamber has no tiles, only two sarcophagi. Therefore, you cannot say that looting a sarcophagus is an action, on the pretext of a so-called discussion whose existence or content cannot be verified.
You must consider the theoretical (though unlikely) situation where all adventurers of a player would enter the tomb chamber. Considering your answer, only one sarcophagus could be recovered at this time, and I presume that another adventurer present in the burial chamber will not be able to recover the second sarcophagus on the next turn. So, for this only player, the game would be over. With such a rule, it seems obvious to me that the use of keys should be optional, as long as the player can move at least one adventurer.
No use to be agressive here, that won't help at all
What i am saying is:
- the game has been played over 2300 times
- especially by the game designer Travis Reynolds himself and his team and he validated the game implementation (prerequisite to move the game to beta)
- you can see any bug report and all the public discussions here
- you can see any message (especially Travis' ones) on the Luxor group player (boardgamearena.com/group?id=6869130)
About your specific case where all the adventurers would move to the tomb chamber at once, it can happen as well as being stuck with no key at the end of the game. Hence the rule where players can "Pass" when they cannot move.
Eventually, i'd just say that this is how i implemented the game and i will keep it that way for the reasons explained above :)
hope you'll like the game anyway
It seems to me that an important rule change such as deciding that the recovery of a sarcophagus is an action, and in addition a mandatory action, should be set out on a page accessible to all.
The result of such a change is that a second investigator entering the tomb chamber during the same player's turn does not recover a sarcophagus. This disadvantage could be avoided if the player was not ever required to use a key available to enter the tomb chamber (unless this is the only possible move) or if the use of the key was considered as part of the action (so only one key could be used during a player’s turn).
I was just linking to Luxor group. Just have to play once to be part of the group and I think you can then see the whole history of discussions.
Besides, in order to discuss this point of rule deeper, I would suggest you open a topic on the forum, this is the best way to have an open debate and decide which implementation I should eventually choose.
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