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#31866: "Please adjust display instead of zooming when changing window width"
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Changing screen widths while the game is open causes the board to zoom in and out instead of adjusting the display.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Google Chrome v87
보고 이력
SaraCV • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2021년 1월 14일 12:14 • For example, if my current window is maximized when I enter the game, my board is in the centre and my neighbouring opponents' visible beside mine. If I unmaximize, it shrinks everything to the point where I can barely see the scoring info on my board.
On the other hand, if my current window is smaller in width when I enter the game, I only see my board. If I go into full screen mode to see my opponent's boards, it instead zooms in making my player board taller than the display, making the dinos huge, and still requiring scrolling to see my opponents boards. Since refreshing in fullscreen mode returns you to the smaller window width, the only way to get the optimal display is to first maximize the window, then refresh the window, then enter fullscreen.
This obviously isn't a huge problem, but I keep getting caught by it in turn based games since this behaviour is different than what is required in other games where entering full screen makes more of the game visible.
On the other hand, if my current window is smaller in width when I enter the game, I only see my board. If I go into full screen mode to see my opponent's boards, it instead zooms in making my player board taller than the display, making the dinos huge, and still requiring scrolling to see my opponents boards. Since refreshing in fullscreen mode returns you to the smaller window width, the only way to get the optimal display is to first maximize the window, then refresh the window, then enter fullscreen.
This obviously isn't a huge problem, but I keep getting caught by it in turn based games since this behaviour is different than what is required in other games where entering full screen makes more of the game visible.
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