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#33100: "Summarize log entries"
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• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
Log entries are important to keep track of what happens during the game. However, it is also important that these entries are then listed in a meaningful way. In my opinion, there are currently still far too many individual entries written, which could just as well be presented in a single entry. This makes the log very confusing.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Google Chrome v88
보고 이력
Okay Karaoke • 아직 개발자가 분석하지 않은 제안입니다:
2021년 1월 31일 9:24 • Here are a few examples:
- If you receive gold at the beginning (phase 1), an entry is written for every single gold piece. So if four players get two gold each, there are eight log entries.
- If you send imps to an action, a single log entry is written for each imp. Plus a single log for each gold piece.
- When scoring for the exhibition, not only is each individual step logged, but also the final result. This could easily be combined into a single log as well.
- If you receive gold at the beginning (phase 1), an entry is written for every single gold piece. So if four players get two gold each, there are eight log entries.
- If you send imps to an action, a single log entry is written for each imp. Plus a single log for each gold piece.
- When scoring for the exhibition, not only is each individual step logged, but also the final result. This could easily be combined into a single log as well.
kevan • 아직 개발자가 분석하지 않은 제안입니다:
2021년 5월 8일 20:18 • Some of the log entries read more like debug messages for the developers, rather than game information that the players need to know. (eg. "rule: nothing is added to the meat stand in the food market. Um, that is just weird.")
nandblock • 아직 개발자가 분석하지 않은 제안입니다:
2021년 6월 8일 2:10 • This is still a problem. For instance, when you sell a pet, the log is flooded with messages itemizing EACH COIN earned--so if you make 5 gold, that's 5 entries. If you fulfill 3 anger needs automatically, then that's 3 separate entries. It's extremely hard to read the game log because of this verbosity.
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