#35239: "Make "Skip Turn" / Expel a Timed-out player a Concensus Decision of All Remaining Players."
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• 만약 오류 메세지가 화면에 나타났다면, 그 오류 메세지를 복사해서 붙여넣어 주시기 바랍니다.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 무엇을 하고 싶었고, 무엇을 했고, 무슨 일이 일어났는지를 설명해 주십시오
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• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
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• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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• 당신이 막혔을 때 화면에 무엇이 나타났습니까?(검은 화면? 게임 인터페이스? 오류 메시지?)
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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• 어느 규칙이 BGA 서비스에서 존중되지 않았습니까?
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 게임 리플레이에서 룰 위반을 확인할 수 있습니까?만약 그렇다면, 몇번째 수에서 룰 위반이 있나요?
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• 당신이 하고 싶었던 게임 내 행동이 어느 것입니까?
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 이 게임 행동을 하기 위해 무엇을 시도했습니까?
• 당신이 이것을 하려고 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태창 메시지 등)
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• 어떤 부분에서 문제가 발생 하였나요(문제가 발생했을 당시 어떤 지시가 내려졌었나요)?
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 당신이 게임 행동을 하려 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태 막대 메시지, ...)
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• 디스플레이 문제를 설명해주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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• 현재 설정된 언어가 아니라 영어로 표시되는 문장을 복사 후 붙여넣어 주세요. 만약에 버그에 대한 스크린샷을 가지고 계신다면 Imgur.com 사이트에 업로드 하시고, 여기에 링크를 복사/붙여넣기 하시기 바랍니다.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 해당 문장이 번역 본부에서 표시됩니까? 만약 그렇다면, 번역된 지 24시간이 경과했습니까?
• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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• 최대한 쉽게 그 뜻을 이해할 수 있도록 당신의 제안을 정확하고 명료하게 설명해 주십시오.
In a multi-player game, when a player has timed-out on their turn, make it a majority consensus decision by the remaining players whether or not to "Skip" the player's turn, thus expelling them. This would be in keeping with the "Abandon" game choice, or turning a real-time game to turn-based, which already both require group agreement to proceed.
This would prevent one impatient and/or less experienced player from deciding for everyone else, and potentially prematurely end a game, perhaps costing a known reliable player from being unfairly punished and deducted elo and karma points.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
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보고 이력
Table 151809156
Move 109.
The Dice Forge game became blocked and could not advance because "The First Titan" card had a bug. Brocconel informed the other players through the game chat that the game had glitched, and had attempted refreshing with F5 several times. Finally, Brocconel clicked on the suggestion to abandon the game, due to the block.
A less-experienced player (Tomsawer) chose to skip and expel Brocconel, rather than agree to abandon the blocked game.
Brocconel's ELO at the start of the game was 501. Because Tomsawer singularly chose to skip Brocconel's turn, rather than abandon the game (which the two other players were agreeable to). Brocconel lost 42 points in ELO. This was very unfair, as Brocconel was actively attempting to play the turn, and constantly communicating with the group about the blocked situation.
Especially in real-time games I don't like to be forced to wait forever.
If you want to avoid such situations then simply play with "slow" setting or "friendly mode". Why should anyone play normal or even fast speed when each player can play as slow as he likes? Imagine you have two buddies at your table, then it would effectively be a "friendly game" except you can't leave without penalty.
"Change to turn based" is a completely different matter. Everyone at a real-time table decided to play real-time. Therefore everyone must agree to change that.
Likewise, plenty of situations where people kick out a player out-of-time if it looks like they're about to lose, but they know that by kicking someone else out that can scam themselves a win.
Tournament with players from Australia, USA and Europe.
I was expelled for a 16min delay.
In this case, it feels like downright cheating.
If one player breaks the contract for how long they are taking, they are breaking the contract for how long it takes to play and it should only take one player's opinion to say they are no longer interested in playing.
If you join a game, you play BY THE RULES of the given game, time limit per move being one of them.
If you go over your time limit, you are cheating (yes, even for one minute. Rules are rules: non-negotioable).
If you have a problem IRL, just use a time-joker.
If you know you're not gonna be able to play for a while, just don't join a game (a warning is displayed every time you join to estimate - generously - the time it's going to take).
So many players tag along games with a high number of moves per day and then go afk for 3 days.
So many players timeout SEVERAL times in just a couple of days.
So many players think they have the right to have more thinking time than others, while it's not fair.
Turn-based players plan their games in advance.
If I know I have time ahead of me, I won't skip someone.
But if I know that I cannot personnaly afford to wait one more day, then I need the ability to skip the douchebag who is not playing by the rules. Otherwise I'm going to ruin my schedule.
With this suggestion, if someone just plain refuse to expel another player, then what? The games drags on forever? You and your friend can now take hostage other players in a game, and then wait for you to be in vacations to skip them?
This suggestion makes absolutely no sense.
All I read here is people being mad for being late to play by the rules they had previously commited to play by.
I don't know how exactly, I ended-up with -36hrs (but I work on my computer and the window is always open).
Then I went back to -16hrs.
I only got kicked out when I started to win (Catan #540257492): that is the issue.
I only play fast past games. The social contract that you are agreeing to when playing is that you will take seconds per turn with a couple of minutes total contingency (need to answer the phone?). I'm choosing to play a quick game, I have other things to do when I'm done (maybe playing other games). I don't want to sit waiting, not knowing for how long, in my leisure time.
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