모든 보고
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#62907: "in solo mode, could select card, but could not place card. Game had to be abandoned"
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어느 순간, 게임 내의 어떠한 액션도 플레이할 수 없었습니다. (게임이 블록되고 버려짐)
상세한 설명
• 어떤 부분에서 문제가 발생 하였나요(문제가 발생했을 당시 어떤 지시가 내려졌었나요)?
Very first turn, I could select the card, but nothing highlighted for placement. Card did not get placed on board despite clicking on appropriate place.
• 당신이 게임 행동을 하려 했을 때 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?(오류 메시지, 게임 상태 막대 메시지, ...)
No error message. I could reverse the action, but nothing could be placed no matter what card I selected.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Mozilla v5
보고 이력
Mar1ene • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2022년 4월 15일 18:49 • F5 did not solve the problem. I couldn't "mutually abandon" the game, I had to quit.
muddypawprints • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2022년 6월 2일 8:59 •
2022년 6월 2일 9:02 • table 272271684
unable to play any cards.
error: You cannot select where to place a casino before choosing its number.
number was chosen. f5 did not solve. cannot play solo mode, picture for reference.
unable to play any cards.
error: You cannot select where to place a casino before choosing its number.
number was chosen. f5 did not solve. cannot play solo mode, picture for reference.
JKhere • 개발자가 아직 버그를 재현하지 않았습니다:
2023년 9월 16일 19:16 •
2023년 9월 16일 20:04 • I play Welcome To all the time as a group. Attempting to play solo, I am not shown pairs of cards, just a column of number cards. When I click on one of them, the other two turn to the action types and the number card remains the same. I tried adjusting the column width, but that did not make the second card in the pairs appear. The selected card is outlined in red, but no available spaces are highlighted on my game board and when I click a space on the game board, it is not responsive.
I tried F5 to refresh the page; it had no effect. I tried logging in with a different browser; I could access the game, but had the same experience.
Initial image - imgur.com/a/188Dkdm
Column set wider, card selected - imgur.com/a/dksiXer
Different card selected - imgur.com/a/y0rQpls
I'll leave the game open for a few days in case you see this report in time to see the screen for yourself.
Table #418517298
Move #1
Progression 3%
I tried F5 to refresh the page; it had no effect. I tried logging in with a different browser; I could access the game, but had the same experience.
Initial image - imgur.com/a/188Dkdm
Column set wider, card selected - imgur.com/a/dksiXer
Different card selected - imgur.com/a/y0rQpls
I'll leave the game open for a few days in case you see this report in time to see the screen for yourself.
Table #418517298
Move #1
Progression 3%
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