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#93003: "Add colourblindness option"
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The game is not colourblind accessible. Could you add an option to modify the game tiles so that they either say Red/Blue/Green/Yellow on the side of the tile, or have the appropriate letter R/G/B/Y either in the top left corner or sharing the white number box with the number? You could have the millstone's letter be a closed circle or square or maybe an M so it is seen as distinct from the other four while not seeming like a 0.
I appreciate the tooltips exist, but this means anyone with colourblindness has to hold their cursor on all five tiles at the top, and then all tiles around where they can place their tile (and if a collapse happens, they have to survey all the ones in the row below, and the row below that, in order to minimise the collapse). This adds cognitive cost and time penalties to their gameplay.
Adding letters means they get the same information non-colourblind players have.• 브라우저가 무엇입니까?
Google Chrome v114
보고 이력
2023년 7월 10일 14:12 •
DrNob • 개발자가 이 제안에 대한 더 자세한 정보를 요청했습니다:
2024년 1월 5일 20:57 •
2024년 7월 9일 4:04 •
2024년 7월 9일 4:06 • Happy New Year 2023!
And thank you for your feedback.
As it stands, colour blind persons can differentiate between the game colors by focussing on the shape of the white box around the number.
Blue = Hexagon
Green = Rectangle
Red = Circle
Yellow = Concave
Did you pick up on that? Does it work for you?
And thank you for your feedback.
As it stands, colour blind persons can differentiate between the game colors by focussing on the shape of the white box around the number.
Blue = Hexagon
Green = Rectangle
Red = Circle
Yellow = Concave
Did you pick up on that? Does it work for you?
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