서쪽 왕국의 건축가
서쪽 왕국의 건축가는 서기 850년경 카롤링거 제국 말기를 무대로 하고 있습니다. 여러분은 왕실 소속 건축가로서 영토로 편입된 새 땅에 왕의 환심을 살 수 있을 만한 아름답고 다양한 건축물들을 지어야 합니다. 만족스러운 결과물을 낸 건축가들만이 영예로운 자리를 지켜낼 수 있습니다. 필요한 재료를 모으고, 작업을 도와줄 수습생들을 고용하세요. 하지만 그들을 주의 깊게 지켜봐야 합니다. 불신과 배신이 팽배한 이 시대에, 경쟁자들은 서로를 끌어내리기 위해서라면 어떠한 수단과 방법도 마다하지 않으니까요. 여러분은 어떻게 하시겠습니까? 고결함을 지켜 내시겠습니까? 아니면 어느새 도적들과 암시장 상인들 사이에서 거래하고 있는 자신을 발견하게 될까요?
이 게임의 목표는 게임이 끝날 때까지 가장 많은 점수를 모으는 것입니다. 점수는 다양한 건물을 건설하거나 대성당 작업을 진행하면 얻을 수 있습니다. 게임 내내 플레이어들은 수많은 도덕적 결정을 내리게 됩니다. 하지만 어떠한 선택을 했는지에 대한 심판은 오직 게임이 끝났을 때 단 한 번만 이루어질 것입니다. 사소한 부정 거래 몇 건 정도는 괜찮아 보일지도 모르나, 선을 넘는 순간 반드시 그 대가를 치르게 됨을 명심하세요. 게임은 정해진 건축 횟수가 완료되면 종료됩니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 5
게임 시간: 26 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
서쪽 왕국의 건축가 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
서쪽 왕국의 건축가 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
The Board Game Arena implementation has two expansion rules turned on. The publishers feel these are minor additions that make for a better gameplay experience.
- Players will get to draft one starting apprentice in reverse turn order (Page 3 of Age of Artisans rulebook).
- When placing a Worker on the 3rd slot in the first 3 rows of the Guildhall, discard both Apprentices in the left-most column on the Main Board and refill the empty spaces as normal. Any Silver on discarded Apprentice Cards will be returned to the Supply (Page 4 of Age of Artisans rulebook).
During the game players can play to several locations on the board
Resource locations
Mines: 1 clay per worker here, or 1 gold per 2 workers here
Quarry: 1 stone per worker here
Forest: 1 wood per worker here
Silversmith: 1 coin per worker here, plus 1 coin
Black Market locations
(Note these are separate actions, and each can only hold one worker of any player, until black market reset)
Lose 1 Virtue + 1 Coin : Small market bonus
Lose 1 Virtue + 2 Coins : Hire an apprentice for free, or look at 5 buildings and draw one
Lose 1 Virtue + 3 Coins : Large market bonus
Guardhouse actions
Put workers in the guardhouse, gaining 1 coin per worker
Retrieve your workers from the guardhouse (for free)
Pay 5 money (2 of it tax) to retrieve all captured workers from opponents
Pay 6 money (3 of it tax) to pay off a debt
Kings Storehouse actions
Players can take one action per worker they have here, including any actions they have from apprentices
2 (Brick/Wood/Stone) to gain 1 Virtue
3 (Wood/Stone) to gain 1 marble
Workhouse actions
Players can either hire an apprentice or draw from the building deck
Buy an apprentice from the left column for 4 money (2 of it tax) -- or columns further in either market row with multiple workers or by putting 1 coin on skipped apprentices
Draw from the building deck, plus an additional card for every 2 workers here
Tax Stand actions
Players can lose 2 Virtue at the tax stand to take all the coins there (coins paid as tax)
Guildhall actions
Players can spend a worker to build a building, or build an available stage of the Cathedral.
To build a building, pay its cost (ensuring you have symbols needed on apprentices) and gain any immediate benefit
To build an available Cathedral stage, pay the corresponding resources and an unused building card, gaining the next bonus card (or just 1 virtue)
Workers spent in either way go in a row to the left of the cathedral.
Town Center actions
Players can capture a player's workers from a specific location paying 1 tax. If the player has have multiple workers in the Town Center, they can capture multiple players' workers in that location, paying 1 coin per set of workers, but still only a tax of 1 coin overall. (in a 2 or 3 player game, each group can be from a different location.)
Captured workers go on your player board, and may be turned in or retrieved at the guardhouse. (Note if you capture your own workers, they go back to your supply)
Virtue Track
The virtue track keeps track of how virtuous the players are, and gives points at game end. During the game, players can gain or lose virtue, with some possible side effects:
- Players with 14 virtue, upon gaining virtue, may destroy a debt by returning it (is not a paid debt)
- Players with 10 or more virtue may not take Black Market actions
- Players with 4 or less virtue may not build Cathedral stages
- Players with 3 or less virtue pay less tax money
- Players with 0 virtue must take an unpaid debt per virtue lost
Note these trigger based on the player's current virtue, regardless of where they may have been previously.
Resetting the board
Except for the black market, the board does not get reset during the game -- workers have to be captured or retrieved at the guard house to be retrieved.
The black market reset happens:
- When a row of workers is complete (next to the cathedral)
- When all 3 black market actions are taken
To reset the black market:
- Send black market workers to prison
- The small market and large market bonus each change
- Any apprentices with black market reset abilities trigger their abilities in any order
- Players with 3 or more workers in prison lose a Virtue
- Any player with the most workers in prison get an unpaid debt card
The game ends when the last worker row (next to the cathedral) is full. All players get an additional turn (including the player that triggered end game). Players score their points from each source
- Built buildings
- Built Cathedral stages
- Ending Virtue track position
- Gold/Marble (1 for each)
- Coins (1 for each 10 coins)
- Unpaid debt (-2 for each)
- Unreleased workers (-1 for each pair)
Most points wins, with virtue and remaining coins as tiebreakers