타기론은 숫자 타일과 질문 카드를 이용한 논리 퍼즐을 대전 형식으로 만든 게임입니다. 2인 게임에서는 상대 타일을, 3~4인 게임에서는 테이블에 뒷면으로 둔 타일을 맞추면 승리합니다. 숫자를 잘 생각해보세요!
숫자 타일을 뒷면으로 섞습니다. 각자 게임 스크린을 자기 앞에 둔 뒤 무작위로 타일을 뽑아 가져갑니다. 가져간 타일은 왼쪽부터 오름차순으로 스크린 뒤에 늘어놓습니다. 같은 숫자 타일 2장이 있다면 검은색 타일을 오른쪽에 둡니다. 타일을 모두 배열했다면 남은 숫자 타일을 모두 치웁니다. 마지막으로 질문 카드를 섞어 뒷면 더미로 두고, 맨 위의 6장을 뽑아 테이블 가운데에 둡니다.
상대 타일(또는 가운데에 있는 타일)을 모두 추리하여 왼쪽부터 순서대로 색깔과 숫자를 맞춰야 합니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 4
게임 시간: 12 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
타기론 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
타기론 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
This game has 2 versions, 2 player and 3+ player, each play DIFFERENTLY
On a 2 player game, you are trying to guess the tiles of your opponent
In a 3+ player game, you are trying to guess the undistributed tiles
All codes are arranged in ascending order. When there are two identical digits of different colors, the black one will be on the left.
On your turn, you have two options:
1 ) Ask a question from the available pool
On 2 and 3 players, only your opponents answer
On 4 players, you also give your answer
2 ) Guess the code
If you guess incorrectly in a 2-player game, your turn ends and play continues as normal. If you guess incorrectly in a 3+ player game, you are out of the game and lose. If everyone guesses incorrectly, there is no winner.
If you guess correctly, the remainder of the round continues to give all players equal turns then everyone who guessed correctly at the end of that round is an equal winner
NOTE: Although there are multiple versions of this game, this adaptation uses the version whereby you may only guess during your turn NOT out of turn
The white board is your notepad in essence and is made up of multiple areas.
If added in the options (recommended) the game will auto-fill 100% known info (e.g. if the question was "where is number 8", as opposed to "do you have an even number" which is vague and you have to figure out yourself)
You can click on any large white space and, similar to Sudoku, a box will come up with a keypad of theory numbers (multiple can be selected) which appear as small notes as to what you think is in each space. (e.g. 7 will appear at top left and 9 will appear at top right, so if you're not sure if it's 7 OR 9 you can pencil in both numbers)
The lower part of the white space has the three colours, you can cross or tick these to show whether you think it's a certain colour, you can tick and cross multiple e.g. tick black and white whilst crossing green
Above the other players boxes is an area with every number in the game, you can use this to cross numbers off as you disqualify them
To the right of this is a representation of the final answer, this is NOT the guessing area, but can be used to formulate what you think the final answer is in theory