드래프트 & 라이트 레코즈
리드 보컬, 뮤지션, 프로듀서, 백스테이지 인원을 고르고, 서로 조화롭게 어울리도록 배치하여, 더 많은 팬, 돈, 그리고 기회를 얻으세요. 계획을 짜고, 자산을 관리하고, 이동 경로를 조정하면서 밴드를 키워보세요.
받은 보상을 서로 연계하여 경쟁자를 제치고 놀라운 공연을 펼칠 수도 있지만, 여느 대스타가 그렇듯이... 사건사고에는 주의를 기울여야겠죠!
플레이어 수: 1 - 6
게임 시간: 22 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
드래프트 & 라이트 레코즈 및 다른 게임 978개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
드래프트 & 라이트 레코즈 및 다른 게임 978개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Draft & Write Records is a game where you draft cards to score points and gain bonuses on your player sheet. The game is played over a series of weeks and weekends.
In a week, players draft 4 out of 5 cards to check spaces on their player sheets. After a week comes the weekend where players can claim objectives to score points and gain bonuses.
In the setup, players choose a color linked to the lead singer. Then, public goals are revealed and players must choose one private goal out of 2 goals.
At the start of each week, players draw 5 play cards each from the play deck, or from their shuffled private discard if the play deck is empty. Then, players choose 1 card to play.
Once all players choose, all players must mark their player sheets. Players can always choose to Fail a card. Then play cards are passed clockwise or counterclockwise (this alternates each week) and the same steps are done. The last card is then discarded in a private discard for each player. So each player chooses 4 cards and discard one card.
There are 3 types of play cards:
- • Crew: Each crew has a subsection: Singer, Musician, Producer and Backstage. They can only be placed in their subsection. Some spaces requires that a cash restriction be lifted before a crew can be placed. Crew can have harmonies between them if their color matches.
- • Agenda: Agenda must be marked in the Agenda section on the player sheet.
- • Asset: Assets must be marked in the Assets section on the player sheet.
Each public goal is checked. If one or multiple players can claim the goal, they can choose to claim it or pass. If at least one player claims the goal, the goal is discarded. Multiple players can claim the same goal. When a goal is claimed, the players score points and can gain bonuses that they must mark on their player sheet. If a public goal is impossible to be claimed by any players, it’s discarded.
Once all 4 public goals have been checked, players can do the same with their private goal.
Player Sheets
There are 10 sections on the player sheets:
- • Fail: If you cannot place a play card or if you choose not to place it, you can fail. You check spaces from left to right and you will lose points based on the rightmost checked space. You gain a cash restriction bonus on your second fail.
- • Goals: When you claim a goal, you write its score in these spaces. You can claim a maximum of 6 goals.
- • Agenda: You can check these spaces in any order with a play card or with some bonuses. You gain bonuses if you check all spaces in a row, a column or a diagonal.
- • Release: You can release Album or Singles. In either case, you check spaces from left to right. Some spaces give you bonuses. You score points based on the number of Album multiplied by the number of Singles.
- • Crew: You place the score of a crew play card and you color each of the 4 spaces around. You can use a multiplier on the score if you have unused multiplier in your multiplier section. If the color matches the color of another crew, you gain a bonus. You cannot place crews in spaces where there’s a cash restriction, you must check the cash restriction first. You lose points at the end of the game if your crew is not full.
- • Tour: You start checking spaces from the top-left. You must check a space before to be able to go further. Some spaces are protected by cash restriction which must be checked before you can go further. Some spaces give you bonuses.
- • Multiplier: When you gain a multiplier, you check a space. You can use a multiplier when you place crews to gain a bigger score.
- • Assets: You can check these spaces in any order with a play card or with some bonuses. You gain bonuses if you check the two spaces around a bonus.
- • Harmonies: You can check these spaces in any order when you gain an harmony bonus for a specific color for the crews. You can also gain harmony bonuses for any color. Some spaces give you bonuses. You score points if you check all spaces in a row or a column.
- • Scores: This section only contains the total of the score of each sections.
End game
When one player has checked all Fails, or placed all Crews or claimed the maximum number of goals on their player sheet, the end of the game is triggered.
If the end game is trigged in a week, the week ends and there is one last weekend. If the end game is trigged in a weekend, the game ends at the end of that weekend.
At the end of the game, check one Fail for each missing crew.
Solo Mode
In Solo, you do not have a private goal. The turn structure is also different:
On your turn, you draw two play cards. You then choose:
- • Option A: you play one of the two cards and discard the other. You then start another turn.
- • Option B: You draw a third card. If all cards are of the same section or if no cards are of the same section, you can play any one card. If not, then there are two cards with the same section and you must play the other card. Then, you can claim or pass a single goal. If you pass or cannot claim a goal, you discard the 4th goal. If you claim a goal, you discard the 4th goal, except if you claimed the 4th goal. You then slide all goals right and draw a new goal. You then start another turn.
The game ends when you cannot draw two play cards or if you checked all Fails, or placed all Crews or claimed the maximum number of goals on your player sheet.