포에버 홈
퍼즐을 짜맞춰 보호소의 개들에게 새 집을 찾아주는 패턴 빌딩 게임 포에버 홈에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
타일 배치, 셋 컬렉션, 드래프트를 조합한 이 게임에서는 개 보호소 직원 역할을 맡습니다. 개를 보호소로 데려오고, 훈련 카드를 완료하고, 개에게 새 가족을 찾아주세요. 보호소 상을 두고 겨루면서, 훈련을 하고 개의 집을 찾아주며 평판을 쌓게 됩니다. 게임이 끝났을 때 평판이 가장 높은 개 보호소 직원이 승리를 거둡니다!
차례 진행은 빠르고 간단하며, 독특한 1인 모드와 상급자용 게임판이 포함된 포에버 홈은 여러 번 즐길 수 있으면서 쉽게 빠지는 추상 게임입니다.
플레이어 수: 1 - 5
게임 시간: 23 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
포에버 홈 및 다른 게임 984개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
포에버 홈 및 다른 게임 984개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Manage a dog shelter whilst trying to find homes for the stray dogs you pick up.
Win by scoring the most reputation points by completing training cards, finding your dogs a home, and competing for shelter commendations
Starting with the first player, each player picks 1 dog
Then, starting with the last player, each player picks a second dog
After which, all players place their first 2 dogs onto their grid
On your turn, you perform two actions, these can be the same or different.
You can take a dog and place it in an open space in your Shelter, after which a new dog is drawn to replace it, if this was your first action this means you may take the dog that was just drawn for your second action
You can take a training card into your hand, after which a new card is drawn to replace it, if this was your first action this means you may take the card that was just drawn for your second action (hand limit is 5)
You can move a dog already in your shelter to an open space orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to it
Training Cards
In addition to your normal turn actions, you can play training cards from your hand if you have completed their requirements
These cards show a configuration shape of dogs it wants the player to make on their board
A beige and a dark bordered dog are single groups of one dog type each, whilst a multi-coloured dog is any dog and a cross in a space means it must be empty
The medallion on the lower right shows how many points the card is worth, whilst the house on the top left shows how many dogs out of those needed to make the pattern will actually get rehomed
Player can Rehome a dog wherever they like (City, Suburbs, Countryside or Foster Home) but the different areas have different conditions as to how they might score at end game e.g. the Foster Home gives 1 point per any dog
Game End
Once one player has played their 7th Training card, the round is completed in full and then it ends
Alternatively, if somehow the group manages to run out of dogs or training cards to draw at any point, this triggers end game too
After which, commendations are awarded for meeting certain conditions, multiple players can meet the same conditions if they apply and get the same rewards
From this, add Training and Home points gained
Whoever has the most points wins!
If tied, the player who homed the most dogs wins!