이웃 여러분, 안녕하세요? 자유동물연합 퍼로우필드에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 저희 연합은 농작물을 심기 좋은 비옥한 토지로 가득한, 생겨난지 얼마 되지 않은 농촌입니다.
하베스트에서는 각자 독특한 방향성을 지닌 농부가 되어, 라운드마다 특정한 혜택을 받는 농가를 고릅니다. 라운드를 시작하면 각자 수입을 제공하면서 해당 라운드의 차례 순서도 결정하는 해돋이 카드를 고릅니다. 해돋이 카드로 결정된 차례 순서에 따라, 손수레를 마을에 놓아 자원을 모으고 밭을 관리합니다. 씨앗을 심고, 밭을 돌보고, 작물을 수확하여 돈을 벌고 점수를 얻으세요. 숲을 제거하여 농장을 확장하고, 건물을 지어 농사를 보다 더 효율적으로 짓거나 게임이 끝날 때 보너스 점수를 얻을 수 있습니다. 수확 시기가 모두 끝나면 점수가 가장 높은 농부가 승리합니다!
플레이어 수: 1 - 4
게임 시간: 31 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
하베스트 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
하베스트 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Have the most points at the end of 4 rounds
First, from lowest to highest sunrise order, each player picks a new sunrise tile from the display and replaces it with the one they hold then activate their sunrise abilities (These are on the tile just chosen, their Farmhouse, and their Character)
Secondly, in lowest to highest sunrise order, players take turns placing one of their Wheelbarrows and taking the corresponding action of the chosen space. Spaces with multiple actions can be resolved in any order. A player can only place a Wheelbarrow into an Open space, that is a space with no other Wheelbarrow on it OR which holds the infinity symbol (meaning multiple wheelbarrows can take the action). Certain abilities may allow a player to play to Closed spaces (occupied spaces with no Infinity symbol).
Once everyone has finished placing their Wheelbarrows, retrieve all your Wheelbarrows, reduce the cost of all Workshop buildings and the lowest cost ones are discarded, remove the uppermost tiles in the Farmer's Market to create new actions, then move the round marker on to the next space before commencing a new round
The action spaces are further detailed below, but as a general rule the number next to a location space denotes how many actions you may take on that visit
The General Store
You can gain a Fertilizer, the maximum Fertilizer you may hold is 9
Spend 1 coin to completely fill your water bucket, move it to the highest space regardless of where it was before
You can purchase seeds for various costs, your capacity for seeds is unlimited, but different seeds have different costs (Note that here you are purchasing Blueberry Bushes, NOT Blueberries)
The Fields
The cost for taking the most actions here (3) is equal to the current round, so gets more expensive as the game progresses. Conversely, the 1 action space grants a water or fertilizer as a bonus.
For one action, you can plant as much and as many different crops as you want, each costing different amounts of Fertilizer as depicted. These can be orientated how you wish, but note that Blueberry Bushes are planted empty side showing.
For one action, you can tend as much and as many different crops as you want, each crop must already exist on your farm (Planting) and costs a various amount of water. When you take this action, take a duplicate tile from the supply which matches the crop you are Tending and orientate it how you wish as long as one edge is orthogonally adjacent to the parent crop. Wheat and Pumpkin give one new tile per Tend. Strawberries give two new tiles per Tend. Blueberries are added to an empty Blueberry Bush, when a Bush is occupied with a Blueberry it cannot be Tended again until it is Harvested.
For one action, you can Harvest, for this you MUST remove ALL crops from your field. For each unique type of crop, you gain 1 coin. In addition, each crop type has its own rewards. Each Wheat tile gives a point and a Fertilizer. Each Strawberry tile gives a point. Each pumpkin tile gives 6 points. Each Blueberry gives 4 points BUT the Bush remains on your board, it is NOT discarded.
The Workshop
Unlike other areas, the workshop requires you to pick different actions if you go to a multi-action space
For 1 coin, you can upgrade your bucket a single step allowing you to hold more water, but this does NOT increase your current water level
For 2 coins, you can remove a Forest from your board and roll the Forest Dice to get a one off reward
For coins equal to its cost, you may build a building in any 2x2 grid of your board which doesn't have Forest or Buildings on it. If you had Crops there, these are discarded (including Bushes) without Harvest rewards
The Farmer's Market
This has no consistent actions, but contains ever changing action tiles which you can take advantage of when you see them if you can afford their cost
The Trading Post
To take an action here, it costs your choice of either 1 Seed or 2 Fertilizer or 3 Water
For an action, you can mimic The Fields, taking any action you could do there but ignoring any costs
For an action, you can mimic the Forest Clearing action of The Workshop whilst ignoring the normal cost, but you do NOT get to roll the Forest Dice
For an action, you can Upgrade a Seed and gain 1 coin, to do this swap a Seed with the next item: Wheet becomes Strawberry becomes Blueberry Bush becomes Pumpkin
Game End
The game ends at the end of the 4th Round
Resolve End Game effects of any Buildings and then score all Buildings
Score 1 point per unharvested Crop (excluding Blueberry Bushes, but including Blueberries)
Score 2 points per Blueberry Bush
Score 1 point per 2 coins
The player with the most points, wins!
If tied, the player with the most leftover resources, wins!
Solo game
At the end of the game, your performance will be evaluated by Gairy according to the following scale :
- <35 Pts: Udderly Disappointing
- 35-44 Pts: Kindergardener
- 45-54 Pts: Jolly Rancher
- 55-64 Pts: Out Standing In Your Field
- 65-74 Pts: Legendairy
- 75+ Pts: The G.O.A.T.