저스트 원
다른 사람이 주어진 단어를 맞출 수 있도록 한 단어로 힌트를 줘야 하지만, 똑같은 힌트가 여러 번 나오면 그 힌트를 모두 제외합니다.
저스트 원은 함께 협력하여 비밀 단어를 최대한 많이 맞혀야 하는 협력 파티 게임입니다. 팀원에게 도움이 되는 최고의 힌트를 주세요. 그렇지만, 같은 내용의 힌트가 있다면 똑같은 힌트를 모두 제외하게 되니 각자 서로 다른 힌트를 줘야 합니다!
한 게임에서는 비밀 단어 13개를 사용합니다. 최대한 13점에 가까운 점수를 내야 합니다. 정답을 맞히면 1점을 얻습니다. 답이 틀렸다면 현재 카드와 남은 카드 중 맨 위 카드를 잃습니다. 따라서 2점을 날리게 됩니다. 답을 제출하지 않았다면 현재 카드만 잃어 1점만 날리게 됩니다.
힌트를 잘 선택하여 높은 점수를 기록하세요!
플레이어 수: 3 - 7
게임 시간: 25 mn
복잡성: 0 / 5
저스트 원 및 다른 게임 977개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
저스트 원 및 다른 게임 977개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Just One is a cooperative party game where you get other players to guess mystery words by the team writing secret clues that help corroborate what the Mystery Word is.
Choose your word carefully since any identical clues from your team will be eliminated.
- 1) A mystery word is presented.
- 2) Each player writes a single-word* clue on their board.
- 3) The game removes exact matches.
- 4) One player reviews the remaining clues. Any identical and/or invalid are removed (see Eliminated Clues). (If all clues have been removed, the turn is now over!)
- 5) The active player guesses the mystery word, or opts to pass.
* With three or four players, every player offers two clues.
Clue Validity
Acceptable Clues
Names (proper nouns), numbers, acronyms, onomatopoeia, and special characters are all valid clues.
- Mickey is allowed as a clue for Mouse
- 007 is allowed to help someone guess Bond
- Riiing or SMS are allowed to help someone guess Telephone
- $ is allowed to help someone guess America.
Eliminated Clues
- Identical words. Example: Mouse and Mouse (or mouse) are identical (usually done by game).
- Words with the same base. Japan and Japanese are considered identical.
- The same words in the singular and plural. Example: Horse and Horses are considered identical.
- The same words with spelling mistakes. Example: Rhythm and Rythem are considered identical.
- The mystery word written differently. Example: Shirt → Shurt or Color → Colour
- The mystery word written in a different language. Example: Green → Vert
- A word in the same family as the mystery word. Example: Prince → Princess.
- An invented word. Example: Cake → Swee’ting
- Homophones (a word phonetically identical to the mystery word with a different meaning). Example: Weather → Whether
- Success: If the active player correctly guesses the Mystery Word, score 1 point.
- Failure: If the active player makes a wrong guess, do not gain the point, AND discard the next card in the stack. If the card guessed was the last card, lose a point.
- Skip: If the active player chooses not to answer, skip their turn and do not gain the point.
End of Game
The game ends after 13 rounds. Guessing all 13 mystery words correctly is a perfect score.
Interpretations of the rules
The rules about identical and invalid words have some ambiguities and it can be debatable whether words are valid or not. Exact duplicates are removed automatically, but the player who will guess after the current guesser is responsible for striking out other invalid words.
- • You should never strike out a word just because you don't understand how it clues the mystery word or because you think it's an unhelpful clue.
- • The "family" of "words in the same family" is sometimes debatable. Words which share components may clash (e.g. in sandcastle and quicksand the sand component is significant enough that many players would consider it a clash) or may not (e.g. in unclear and uncertain the un- prefix is probably not enough to clash). Sometimes words which look extremely similar are actually derived from very different origins.
- • The rule that translations are invalid clues is a frequent source of disagreements, especially when players speak different languages. Some players consider that a word which is found in standard dictionaries of the language you're playing in can be considered not to be a translation. Others think that if the mystery word is hat then sombrero is not a valid clue, because it's the generic Spanish word for hat and this makes it irrelevant that it's been adopted into English to refer to a particular style of hat.
The rules for 3 players do not make any specification whether or not the two clues may extend each other. However, some players prefer not to allow the usage of two words as a single clue, but that rule is not official and should be agreed upon beforehand.
If you're not sure then it's possible to ask in the chat whether other people think that there's a clash, being careful not to give away the debatable word or words.