카발레오 및 다른 게임 1002개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
카발레오 및 다른 게임 1002개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Be Discreet and Secretly Win! A game mixing bluff and strategy, Kabaleo promises an intense and unique experience!
A dynamic game of placing pyramids, removing them from the game, stacking them and changing the colour of pyramid piles.
The player whose colour is most represented on the board wins the game.
- Pyramid bases are placed randomly on the table.
- The rest of the pieces (pyramids) are divided and placed visibly in front of the players.
- Each player is given a hidden pyramid colour.
- The object of the game is to ensure that this is the majority colour across the playing board at the end of the game.
Game Play
- On their turn, each player places a pyramid of any available colour at a location of their choice.
- When a piece is played on top of a non-matching coloured pyramid, the pile colour changes to the new colour on top.
- If a player places a piece on top of a pyramid of the same colour, both pyramids are removed from the game and the pile reverts to the colour of the piece revealed.
- Players cannot play a colour pyramid on a base of matching colour.
- Players cannot play a piece on the same location as the previous move.
Game End
Once all pieces have been played, the player left with the most piles of their colour on the board wins the game.
- The most top pieces
- highest pyramid