미니 로그
미니 로그는 1~2명이 깊은 던전으로 들어가 '오그의 피'라는 신비로운 루비를 가져오려는, 미니멀리스트 던전 탐험 보드게임입니다.
점점 난이도가 높아지는 괴물과 위험에 맞서, 보유한 자원을 어떻게 사용할지 결정해야 합니다. 무작위로 생성되는 층과 조우로, 게임을 할 때마다 새로운 기분을 느낄 수 있습니다!
플레이어 수: 1 - 2
게임 시간: 20 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
미니 로그 및 다른 게임 974개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
미니 로그 및 다른 게임 974개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Find Og's Blood by reaching the final room and defeating the last boss (Solo or Co-op)
The Dungeon is divided up into 4 floors
Each floor contains a certain number of Areas (2/2/3/3)
Each Area contains 8 Rooms which need to be tackled from top left to bottom right, following the rows in sequence
Character Stats
XP increases your level, which unlocks more dice
Armour decreases damage taken
HP is your life, if you reach 0, you die and LOSE!
Food is required to enter a new area, otherwise you lose 3HP
Gold allows you to purchase items at Merchants and use at Shrines
Potions have varying effects, but you can only ever be carrying TWO different potions at the same time
If an effect causes you to lose a resource you are already at 0 in, lose 1HP instead
There are four dice types
White Character dice are your standard dice to roll, Rolling a 6 in Combat gives you an extra roll.
Black Dungeon dice are rolled for various dungeon effects
Green Poison and Purple Curse dice may also be in your pool of dice if you suffer these effects
On your turn, flip over a room and resolve it
After which, reveal the room to the right and the room below your current position, you can then choose which of these two to move to (Up/Left/Diagonal moves are not allowed, even if you can see a faceup card there)
This means that when you reach the rightmost column or the lowest row, you will no longer have a direction choice
Keep resolving rooms until you die or reach the lowest right room
Area Complete
Once an area is completed, reached and successfully resolved lowest right room, perform the following
Either eat 1 food or lose 3HP
If an effect had your character facedown, flip yourself faceup
Progress the Dungeon Mat
Setup the new area
Skill Checks
Some rooms require skill checks, roll your dice and if you get at least one star icon (5 or 6) yourself then you succeed
The dungeon dice will determine the penalty or reward from failure or success as applicable
Items & Mods
Poisoned: The green die will be added to your pool of dice when your Character becomes poisoned.
Cursed: The purple die will be added to your pool of dice when your Character becomes cursed.
Blindness: Only reveal a Room card once you have entered it
Fire Potion: Inflict 7 damage on the Monster.
Frost Potion: The Monster does not attack this turn. Do not resolve the Dungeon die (D).
Poison Potion: Inflict 4 damage on the Monster during each of your Combat turns, including the present one.
Healing Potion: Gain 6 HP.
Holy Potion: Cure your Character from all Poison (P), Curse (C) and Blindness (l) Effects.
Perception Potion: Automatically succeed a Skill Check (just roll the Dungeon die and consult the Success result), and/or cure Blindness (l).