레일웨이 오브 더 월드
철도 시대에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
여러분은 승객과 상품을 운송하는 철도 사업가입니다.
돈을 많이 벌기는 어렵지 않습니다. 하지만 과연 누가 가장 큰 수익을 낼까요?
여러분은 각자 가장 조건이 좋다고 생각하는 경로를 골라 철로를 건설합니다.
철도를 운영하면서 상품을 운송하고,
철로를 따라 형성된 시장의 지분을 차지하게 됩니다.
철도망이 지방으로 뻗어나가면서,
더 새롭고 뛰어난 기차에 투자해 상품을 더 빠르게 더 멀리 실어나를 수 있습니다.
역사의 흐름을 바꾸고,
세계의 위대한 철도왕 목록에 이름을 올려보세요!
플레이어 수: 2 - 6
게임 시간: 83 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
레일웨이 오브 더 월드 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
레일웨이 오브 더 월드 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Link to Combined Rules (2022)
Interface Info
- Top right of the page lets you set preferences that will be remembered from game to game
- Preference option for Track brightness and contrast. 6 styles to choose from with a variety of contrast and brightness values
- Preference option for Cubes brightness and contrast. 6 styles to choose from with a variety of contrast and brightness values
- Track building now has an optional visual aid to help you understand which tracks you are currently building.
- Optional display for colour blind folk.
- Cubes are replaced with letters representing the original cube colour.
- • R - Red
- • B - Blue
- • G - Black
- • Y - Yellow
- • P - Purple
- Cities have a tooltip stating the colour of the city.
- Link tokens showing ownership of a link now have the name of the colour instead of the engine image.
- Cubes are replaced with letters representing the original cube colour.
In Game controls
- Ctrl Mouse Wheel zooms the map when you are over the map, otherwise it will zoom the web page.
Game Options
- • Eastern US
- • Mexico
- • Great Britain
- • Western US
- • Portugal
Bidding Style
- Traditional
- • Winner pays full value of their bid and is First Player, all other players pay nothing.
- • Then turn order proceeds clockwise around the table.
- • If all the players choose to pass, then the player to the left of the previous First Player becomes the new First Player
- First to pass
- • Winner pays full value of their bid and is First Player.
- • Each player who passes, pays half their bid rounded up.
- • First player to pass becomes the last player.
- • Second to pass becomes second to last etc.
- • If all the players choose to pass, then the player who passes last becomes the new First Player.
- Worst is First
- • There is an initial bid for game starting position then
- • at the start of a new turn, the player order is determined by the current score.
- • Worst score becomes the new First Player.
- • Second worst is the new Second Player etc.
- • In case of scoring ties, the player with higher (worst) turn order wins the tie.
- • All "Railroad Executive" operation cards are discarded.
City Rotors
- Cities with Rotors always act as their base color (the color on the upper section of the city) and will often provide a second color showing on the bottom of the city.
- Cubes matching either color that arrive at a City Rotor must be delivered there.
- After every delivery to the city, the City Rotor will rotate to a new color.
- The City Rotor Color Wheel describes each color transition.
- The Place Mine action is available to each player two times in the game during the player action round.
- The active player may pay $10,000 to place a Mine.
- They immediately choose a gray city and begin drawing cubes from the goods bag until they draw a cube that matches the color of a previously drawn cube (maximum of 5 draws).
- Place the cubes drawn on the gray city, after discarding the matching cube.
- A city may only be mined once in a game.
Empty City Markers reduction for faster games
- The Empty City Marker count can be reduced to speed up the end of the game.
Playing the game
- Turns and Player Action Rounds. RotW is played in a series of Turns. Each Turn consists of the following 3 phases:
- • 1 - First Player Auction to determine First Player
- • 2 - Player Actions (1 per player in Turn Order in each of 3 Rounds)
- • 3 - Income and Dividends
- These three phases are repeated until the End of Game is triggered (see below), at which time the current Turn is completed (all 3 phases) and then one additional Turn is played.
Phase 1 - First Player Auction
- Players bid to determine First Player for all Rounds of Phase 2 this Turn
- The First Player from the previous Turn bids first
- Minimum bid is $1k
- Bidding proceeds clockwise (down the list in player status table)
- If a player chooses not to bid higher than the current bid they Pass and are out of the Auction
- The player with the winning bid takes the First Player marker (golden engine in the player status table)
- Turn order is clockwise from First Player
- If all players pass with no bids, First Player marker moves 1 spot clockwise
Phase 2 - Player Actions
- Each Turn the Phase 2 consists of 3 Rounds of player actions, in Turn Order
- On each Round each player may take 1 of 5 available actions (same action may be taken on subsequent Rounds within the same Turn)
A - Build Track
- Place from 1 to 4 track tiles, starting at any city or open track tile that you own
- Cost to build track:
- • Build on plains (no symbol): $2k
- • Build on water (water drop): $3k
- • Build on mountains (grey dot): $4k
- • Cross a mountain ridge (dark red/brown line): + $4k
- A series of tiles that connect one city to exactly one other city is called a Link
- At the end of Phase 2 any open tracks (i.e. a series that is not a Link) will be removed from the board
B - Urbanize
- Player pays $10k to place an available New City tile on a gray city hex and add two random Goods Cubes to the new city
C - Upgrade Engine
- Upgrade your player Engine one (and only one step) by paying the cost of the next upgrade
D - Deliver One Goods Cube
- Deliver one (and only one) Goods Cube from one City to a City matching the Goods Cube's color
- May travel over as many links as the strength of the acting player's Engine
- May not move a Cube without delivering it (final Link must move to a City of the Cube's color)
- May not skip over a City of the Cube's color without delivering it (even if a City further down the line is the same color)
- First Link over which the Good travels must be owned by Player taking the action
- Each player who owns a Link over which the Good travels scores 1 point per traveled Link that they own
E - Select a Railroad Operations Card
- Take one of the available Railroad Operations cards and either execute it immediately or place it in front of you (depending on the type of card)
Phase 3 - Income and Dividends
- All players collect the income shown on the space of the point track / income track occupied by their marker
- THEN all players must pay $1k per held Bond (including taking new Bonds to cover this cost, if necessary)
End of Game
- When the last Goods Cube in a City is moved out, an Empty City marker is placed in the City
- The game end is triggered when the last Empty City marker is placed on the board
- The turn is completed normally and then there is one more complete turn before the game ends
- It is possible to remove an Empty City marker from the board via Railroad Operations Cards or the Urbanize action
- If End of Game has been triggered and an Empty City marker is removed from the board it does not "un-trigger" End of Game
- When the game finishes, in addition to the standard Income Phase, each player loses 1 point for every bond issued
- Rail Baron cards held by each player are now tested and if their goal has been achieved, points will be awarded