스몰 월드
스몰 월드에서는 모두가 함께 살기에는 너무나도 작은 세상을 정복하고 지배하기 위해 경쟁합니다.
스몰 월드에는 드워프, 마법사, 아마존, 거인, 오크, 인간을 비롯한 온갖 종족들이 살고 있으며, 각자 군대를 동원해 지역을 차지하고 주변 땅을 정복하여 다른 종족을 세상 밖으로 밀어내려 합니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 5
게임 시간: 28 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
스몰 월드 및 다른 게임 992개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
스몰 월드 및 다른 게임 992개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Quickly expand your race across the island whilst destroying your opponents' chance of expansion!
Your First Turn
Every player's first turn goes like this:
First, pick one of the randomly-combined race/power combos. If you pick a combo beyond the first, pay one coin to each you wish to skip, these will then be claimed by someone who does pick it. (Every player starts the game with enough coins to buy any available combo.)
Once a combo is picked, take a number of race tokens for the race equal to the large numbers on both the race and power tiles.
Some races give extra race tokens during the game, but most only give what you get at this point, the race tokens are limited by the supply even if you come across a combo which could exceed this.
Second, make your first Conquest. This must be to a landmass bordering the edge of the map.
To conquer a region, you need 2 Race tokens +1 token for each piece present in the space (terrain, tribe, or opponents), all race tokens used to conquer a region stay in that region for now.
You can conquer additional regions as long as they are adjacent to a region you already control.
If another Race is conquered in this way, the owner takes them into their hand and puts one back into the box, losing it permanently.
For your final conquest of the turn (providing you don't have enough pieces to actually conquer it yet still hold at least 1 token), you may roll the reinforcement Die to see if you get lucky and gain extra strength to conquer it or not.
After which, any opponents holding race tokens conquered this turn can now redeploy them in their owned regions.
You can then redistribute your race tokens among your occupied regions as you wish, providing at least 1 race token remains in each.
Finally, you gain 1 coin for each region you occupy (plus bonus coins from certain powers if applicable).
After every player has taken their first turn, subsequent turns contain two choices for each player.
• A player can choose to Expand, taking active race tokens from regions they own back into their hand (leaving at least one on the board) and conquering new adjacent regions, then gaining coins for occupied regions, as per the above rules.
• A player can choose to Decline, taking all but 1 race token from regions they own and putting it back into the box, then flipping all the single race tokens belonging to them to the Decline side, as well as flipping the race/power tiles to their decline side. (This usually means the abilities are no longer active.) At the start of their next turn, they pick a new race/power combo like in the first turn by paying to skip any they aren't interested in. Declined races on regions still count as being owned by that player for scoring purposes. A player can only have one Active and one Decline Race, so the second and subsequent time this option is chosen, the oldest Declined race is fully discarded.
Game End
The game ends after a set number of rounds based on player count
The player with the most coins wins!
If tied, the player with the most race tokens (Active & Declined) out on the board wins!