24/7은 운과 실력이 모두 필요한 가벼운 추상전략 게임입니다. 7×7 격자에 번갈아 타일을 놓으면서, 인접한 타일로 연속된 숫자, 같은 숫자, 또는 합계가 24나 7인 묶음을 만들어 점수를 얻습니다.
24/7에서는 4방향의 타일 조합으로 점수를 얻을 수 있습니다. 승리하려면 타일 배치와 전략이 중요하지만, 타일 조합은 4가지 방향 모두에서 계산하므로 운도 중요해집니다.
타일을 놓아 점수를 얻거나 상대의 점수 획득을 막으세요. 공격과 수비를 조정하면서 상대가 점수를 쌓지 못하게 막으며 점수를 모으면 됩니다.
24/7은 2~4인용 게임입니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 4
게임 시간: 13 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
24/7 및 다른 게임 978개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
24/7 및 다른 게임 978개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
24/7: The Rules
Score minutes (i.e., points) by laying tiles one at a time to create scoring combinations. The winner is the player with the most minutes at the end of the game.
Setup: Punching In
One tile is drawn and placed at the starting space on the board. Three tiles are removed from the game. A hand of tiles (6 for 2 players, 5 for 3 or 4 players) is drawn for each player. Note: The tiles are numbered 1 to 10. Four copies of each tile make up the initial pool of tiles.
Playing: Starting the Clock
On your turn, place a tile adjacent to any tile on the board. This new tile forms one or more lines of tiles that are horizontal, vertical or diagonal. The sum of the tiles in each line can never exceed 24. After playing a tile, combinations are scored, a new tile is drawn and play continues with the next player.
Scoring: Making Time
Score minutes (i.e., points) when you complete one (or more) of the following scoring combinations:
Combination | Score |
7 (Sum of 7, all tiles) | 20 minutes |
Run of 3 tiles | 30 minutes |
24 (Sum of 24, all tiles) | 40 minutes |
Run of 4 tiles | 40 minutes |
Set of 3 (3 of a kind) | 50 minutes |
Run of 5 tiles | 50 minutes |
Set of 4 (4 of a kind) | 60 minutes |
Run of 6 tiles | 60 minutes |
Bonus | 60 minutes |
In the examples that follow, the highlighted tile was played causing the scoring combination to occur.
Sums of 7 or 24
All adjacent tiles in the same line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) sum to 7 or 24. To score a 7, you must have 2 or more tiles in the line!
Runs and Sets
The scoring tiles in runs OR sets must be adjacent within the same line and include the tile you played. Other non-scoring tiles may be in the line as long as sum of the line does not exceed 24. To score a run, the tiles must be sequential, increasing or decreasing.
Bonus: Overtime
Additional scoring possibilities for the crafty player!
If you create a sum of 24 in one line and a sum of 7 in a different line when you play a tile, 60 bonus minutes are scored in addition to the minutes scored for the 7 and the 24.
24 in 7 Tiles
If you create a sum of 24 by laying the seventh tile in a line, 60 bonus minutes are scored in addition to the minutes scored for creating the 24.
Double Time
When you play a tile on a 2x space AND create one (or more) scoring combination(s), the minutes are doubled!
Unplayable Spaces: Out of Time
Whenever you create a sum of 24, the spaces at each end of that line of tiles are Out of Time and may not be used for play. Time Out markers are placed in these spaces. If playing on a space would cause the sum of the adjacent tiles to exceed 24, that space is also Out of Time and is marked with a Time Out marker.
Game End: Punching the Clock
The game ends when any of the following occurs: 1) all players have run out of tiles; 2) no open spaces exist on the board; or 3) no legal plays remain for any player. The finish order and final scores are displayed.
Winning: Happy Hour
The player with the most minutes wins. If there is a tie and tiles remain, the player with the fewest tiles wins. If there is still a tie, play again!