이 게임에서 여러분은 폴리스를 대표하는 고대 그리스의 건축가가 되어, 폴리스의 얼굴인 아크로폴리스를 발전시키는 중책을 맡습니다. 신중히 계획하고 구획을 배치하세요. 더 높이 쌓아 올려 하늘에 가까워질수록 시민들이 경탄할 것입니다.
플레이어 수: 1 - 4
게임 시간: 14 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
아크로폴리스 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
아크로폴리스 및 다른 게임 930개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Place structures from the 11 construction sites until there is only one left, then work out who has created the best districts
On your turn, take a tile and place that tile
The first tile is free to take, all after it costs 1 stone to skip (e.g. if you want the 4th tile, spend 3 stone)
You can freely place a tile bordering others on the ground floor
If you wish to place higher, you must first have a triangle of 3 hexes to cover with the new tile to make a 2nd level (i.e. it can't over-hang). In addition, it must cover at least 2 different tiles. The covered hexes no longer count towards anything they would give you.
Hex Types
The three hex types are:
Quarries (Grey) - These do nothing when placed, but if you cover them, they give you 1 stone each
Plazas (Grey with Coloured stamp) - The stars depicted on these can be multiplied with the districts of the same type to make them worth more points
Districts (Coloured) - These score in a number of ways depending of type, but to be able to score you MUST have at least ONE matching Plaza
- Houses - blue: largest single group
- Markets - yellow: not adjacent to other markets
- Barracks - red: on the edge of the city
- Temples - purple: fully surrounded
- Gardens - green: no conditions
Round End
When there is only one tile left in the construction site, move it to the 1st position and lay out a new stack
Pass first player marker
If you can't do the above, the game ends at the end of the 12th round
For each qualifying district, the following applies:
Add up the number of District hexes in each level
Multiply this number by the level they are on (x1 for first level or x2 for 2nd level...)
Multiply this by the number of stars the matching plazas give you
In addition:
1 vp per stone unused
If tied for the win, most unused stone breaks the tie
- Houses - blue: If your group of Houses Districts has a value of 10 or more, its points are doubled.
- Markets - yellow: If your Market District is next to a Market Plaza, its points are doubled.
- Barracks - red: If your Barracks has 3 or 4 empty spaces adjacent to it, its points are doubled.
- Temples - purple: If your Temple is built on a higher level, its points are doubled.
- Gardens - green: If your Garden is adjacent to a lake (an empty space that is completely surrounded), its points are doubled.
Distribution of Plazas and Districts
Two players
Type | Plazas | Districts |
Houses (blue) | 5 (one star) | 18 |
Markets (yellow) | 4 (two stars) | 12 |
Barracks (red) | 4 (two stars) | 10 |
Temples (purple) | 4 (two stars) | 8 |
Gardens (green) | 3 (three stars) | 6 |
Three players
Type | Plazas | Districts |
Houses (blue) | 6 (one star) | 27 |
Markets (yellow) | 5 (two stars) | 16 |
Barracks (red) | 5 (two stars) | 13 |
Temples (purple) | 5 (two stars) | 10 |
Gardens (green) | 4 (three stars) | 7 |
Four players
Type | Plazas | Districts |
Houses (blue) | 7 (one star) | 36 |
Markets (yellow) | 6 (two stars) | 20 |
Barracks (red) | 6 (two stars) | 16 |
Temples (purple) | 6 (two stars) | 12 |
Gardens (green) | 5 (three stars) | 8 |