시티 오브 더 빅 숄더즈
시티 오브 더 빅 숄더즈에서 플레이어들은 시카고를 세계 수준에 맞는 도시로 재건하려 하는 사업가와 투자자가 됩니다. 18xx 게임의 주가 조작 메카닉과 유로게임을 독특하게 합친 이 게임에서, 플레이어들은 기업을 설립하고, 주식을 거래하고, 직원을 고용하고, 공장을 건설하고, 상품을 생산하여 중서부 곳곳의 가정에 판매 및 운송합니다.
이 게임에서는 50년에 걸친 시카고의 재탄생을 체험하게 됩니다. 1라운드를 구성하는 10년은 5개의 독특한 단계로 짜여 있는데, 주식을 사고 파는 주식 단계, 보드에 새로운 행동 공간을 놓는 건설 단계, 도시 곳곳에 파트너들을 파견하여 회사를 위한 계약을 체결하는 행동 단계, 기업에서 자원을 모으고 상품을 생산하여 시카고 바깥으로 운송하는 운영 단계, 다음 10년을 위해 보드를 정리하는 정리 단계로 이루어집니다.
다섯번째 10년차가 끝난 후에, 게임은 끝납니다. 그 때, 게임 도중에 구입했던 모든 주식을 돈으로 바꾸고, 게임에서 달성한 목표에 대한 보상을 받고, 모든 현금을 더해서 누가 시카고의 가장 위대한 주민인지 확인하여 게임의 승자를 결정합니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 4
게임 시간: 98 mn
복잡성: 5 / 5
시티 오브 더 빅 숄더즈 및 다른 게임 963개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
시티 오브 더 빅 숄더즈 및 다른 게임 963개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Nota bene:
- Rules implemented on BGA are the rules of the first edition of the game. The reference for rules is the English rulebook linked from the BGA game page.
- You can always sell goods to the bank at half-price (this is a slight implementation change because the half-price demand location is hidden)
- Price Protection works as a passive ability in this adaptation. The 2nd edition rules mentions that it is a once-per-decade ability, which is not the case here.
Stock Phase
Pay with Personal Treasury
On your turn you may:
- Sell any number of Certificates in one or more companies at their Stock value. Move sold Certificate(s) from your Personal Treasury to the Bank Pool and receive $ from the Bank to your Personal Treasury. Then, for each share sold, decrease the Stock Value by one. If you sell company's Certificate this Decade, you cannot later buy a Certificate of the same company in the same Decade.
- May buy one Stock certificate. Pay $ from your Personal Treasury. You may start a company during this phase, except during the first round, as it counts as buying the 30% Director's certificate.
- Certificate from a Company Treasury - Pay $ to its Company Treasury.
- Certificate from the Bank Pool - Pay $ to the Bank.
Start a Company
- Gain the Company Charter
- Choose the initial Stock value ($35, $40, $50, or $60)
- Pay for the Director's certificate for 3 X Stock Value. Pay to the Company Treasury.
- Place remaining company Certificates in the Company Treasury
- Place marker on the initial Appeal on the Appeal Track. Do not gain Appeal Bonuses for initial Appeal.
End of Phase
- Give priority Deal marker to the player to the left of the player who last sold or bought a Certificate this phase.
- If a company is completely owned by players (no Certificates are in the Company Treasury or Bank Pool), increase its Stock Value by one.
Building Phase
Turn Order: Simultaneous
- Deal 2 new buildings to each each so that they have 3 in hand
- Each player chooses one to play on the leftmost space on their building track
- Each player chooses one to discard out of the game
- Each player keeps one for the next round
- Buildings area revealed simultaneously
- Refill the job market based on the newly revealed buildings
Note: Each player gains a Partner during the 3rd round of the game
Action Phase
Pay with Company Treasury Turn Order: Player indicated by the turn order track On your turn:
- Place one of your Partners on an action space and perform the action on behalf of one of your companies
- Companies may need to pay for actions:
- Company to Bank (when using actions that are not on a building track, or when buying Capital Assets)
- Bank to Company (when using fundraiser actions)
- Company to Player (when using actions that are on a building track)
- Bank to Player (some actions which gives resources to the company)
- Company to Shareholders (when paying extra dividends)
- You cannot pay for any costs from your Player Treasury during this phase
- You may exhaust a company's Capital Assets at any time on your turn
- Resources gained from actions come from Haymarket Square
- Newly gained Partners are available for use during this round
End of Each Player's Turn: Shift and replace Capital Assets if necessary End of Phase: When all players have run out of available Partners
Operation Phase
Pay with Company Treasury Turn Order: Company from highest to lowest Appeal On Each Company's Turn:
- (Advanced Rules Only) Emergency Fundraising: may sell Certificate(s) from Company Treasury to Bank Pool. Receive $ in Company Treasury from the Bank. Then decrease Stock Value by one for each Share sold and an additional one for Emergency Fundraising.
- May purchase resources from the Supply Chain
- May run factories from left to right. For each factory:
- Place spent resources in Haymarket Square
- Gain any produced goods
- Gain manager bonus (if employed)
- May run next factory to the right only if all factories to the left of it produced in the current Operating Phase
- May sell goods to Demand Tiles and calculate Operating Revenue
- Demand Tiles can be filled in any order
- Goods that are not sold remain in the Company Treasury
- If no factory produces any goods, or if no goods are sold, or if Operating Revenue is withheld, decrease Stock Value by one
- If Operating Revenue is paid as Dividends, Stock Value may increase
- Shift Supply Chain and refill markets if necessary
- Any time on company's turn, may exhaust Capital Assets
- Any time on company's turn, may trade two of the same resources to Haymarket Square for any one resource from Haymarket Square
- The first time all of the factories in your first company produces at least one good this phase, gain a Partner
Clean Up Phase
- Discard the Capital Asset in the $40 spot out of the game, shift and refill Capital Assets
- Move all resources in the $10 market in the Supply Chain to Haymarket Square, shift and refill Supply Chain
- Discard Demand Tiles that are completely filled and Demand Tiles with an X, shift Demand Tiles (if necessary), and refill Demand Tiles (top to bottom, right to left)
- Return Partners to all players
- Ready each company's Capital Assets for use
- Move the Decade marker to the next Decade
Additional Notes
- Capital Assets and Demand Tiles are limited
- Appeal Bonus Extra Goods tokens are limited to 10
- When there are not enough resources to refill the Supply Chain: refill the remaining resources from the bag, move all resources from Haymarket Square into the bag, but leave two of each resources in Haymarket Square, refill the rest of the Supply Chain from the bag.
- When a company gains an Appeal Bonus, they can gain $25 in the Company Treasury instead of the Appeal Bonus
- You may only exhaust a company's Capital Assets once each round, exhausting them may require you to pay from the Company Treasury to the bank. Resources gained come from Haymarket Square.
- Cannot own both Director and Preferred Certificate of a single Company. Cannot own more than 6 shares (60%) of a single company.
- The number of certificates you can own across all companies is limited to 10/12/14 for 2/3/4 players
Credit: Kelvin T (Orangetang)