이노리 계곡에서는 거대하고 신성한 나무의 잎 밑에 마을을 지어,
자애롭지만 질투심 많은 정령들과 함께 살아갑니다.
촌장들은 해마다 정령들에게 제물을 바치고,
위대한 나무에 정령들을 기리는 제단을 짓습니다.
올해의 신성수 수호자 자리에 오르려면,
정령들로부터 가장 많은 은총을 받으세요!
플레이어 수: 2 - 4
게임 시간: 30 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
이노리 및 다른 게임 952개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
이노리 및 다른 게임 952개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Collect favour tokens and try to fill all the spaces on the cards, whilst determining which colours will score at game end by allocating them to the Great Tree by the end of 4 rounds
On your turn, either Offer to a Card or Offer to the Great Tree
In addition, you may optionally play a Rune Tile
Offer to a Card
If there is an unoccupied space on a card, displayed on the upper edge, you can place your piece there to take the bonus but you may be required to pay a cost if present
The cost can either be a set colour or it could be of the colour you have a majority of
There are a number of different effects found on the cards
Some give you Favour tokens of a specific colour
Some give you Favour tokens of the colour you have the least of
Some let you draw a Rune Tile
Some will score you a point for each unique colour you currently posses
Some will score you a point for each of a specific colour you hold
Some will score you a point for each token of your majority colour
Offer to the Great Tree
You can place an offering on any unoccupied space of the Great Tree
At the start of the game, all spaces are free, but as it progresses there may be an associated cost
When you place your piece on a space without a cost, take the effect, then place an unused Alter Tile of your choice next to it, this will then become the cost to use this space later on
The effects are as follows
Take any two Favour tokens
Score 5 points
Take a Rune Tile plus a Favour token matching the Alter Tile colour
Score a point for each token you have which matches the Alter Tile
Block two card spaces with the neutral pieces, then gain a Favour token matching the Alter tile
Gain 3 Favour tokens matching the Alter Tile
Get the two Favour tokens set aside during setup
Play a Rune Tile
In addition to playing to either a Card or the Great Tree, you can also play Rune tiles
Some give you Favour tokens of an indicated colour
Some let you move a piece from any other card to an unoccupied space on the card of the matching colour
Some let you move a piece from an indicated card to an unoccupied space on any other card
Some let you play on an occupied space, so long as it isn't yourself who occupy it already
End of Season
Once everyone has placed all their pieces, the season comes to an end
Check each of the cards to see if they are complete or incomplete, a card is complete if a piece was placed on every space available
For Complete cards, each player present scores a point for each Favour token they hold which matches the card's colour, then the players retrieve their pieces and the card is replaced with a new one of the colour shown in the top right corner (The same colour as the card itself)
For Incomplete cards, no scoring occurs, all pieces are returned, and the card is replaced with a new one of the colour shown in the lower right corner (this will be different to the current colour). New start cards are an exception: If they are incomplete, players with pieces on them score 1 point per Favour token they have that matches the color in the bottom right of the card.
After which, players gain a new piece from the next season space (in 4 players the first end of season gives no new pieces)
Finally, the player with the fewest points draws 2 Start cards and picks one to use for the new round and then they become the first player
Game End
The game ends at the end of the 4th Season
For each Great Tree space with an Alter Tile, players score 1st and 2nd place for most Favour tokens of the related colour (If tied for 1st, all get 1st score and no 2nd place, if tied for 2nd all get 2nd score)
The player with the most points, wins!