몬스터 팩토리 및 다른 게임 1003개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
Nina Paley, Donald X. Vaccarino
Nina Paley, Marco Primo
몬스터 팩토리 및 다른 게임 1003개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
- A monster-building game for 2-6 players aged 5 and up by Donald X. Vaccarino & Nina Paley
- The players take turns drawing and placing tiles, either adding to their own monsters or to those of their opponents.
- The goal is to make a big monster, but not so big that it goes unfinished!
Playing the Game
- The players choose a starting player and take turns in clockwise order.
- On a player’s turn, they draw one face-down tile and adds it to anyone’s monster - their own or another player’s.
- If there is a monster the player can add it to, they must do so.
- The player may not choose to discard a playable tile.
- If the tile does not fit anywhere and all other players agree, the player discards the tile back into the box (it will not be played in this game) and draws a replacement.
- Once a player has played a tile, their turn ends and the next player takes their turn.
- Each edge of a tile shows either a thin bit of monster (coloured green), a thick bit of monster (coloured purple), or blank (white).
- Players must place each tile such that a thin edge or thick edge matches the same thickness on the edge of a tile on someone’s monster.
- Also no touching edges can mismatch - a player cannot place a tile with thin next to thick, thin next to blank, or thick next to blank.
- A player can place a tile with blank next to blank, but the tile must connect to another tile on at least one thin or thick side.
- If a player’s monster has no thin or thick edges to connect to, the monster is complete.
- The player immediately draws a random tile to start a new monster, which is called a minion.
- This happens even if it is not that player's turn - and if their turn is next, this does not count as their turn.
- When a player completes a minion, they start another.
- A player may never have more than one monster or minion “in progress” at any time.
- When a player has completed their first monster, the player can no longer place tiles on other players’ first monsters.
- Such a player can play on other players’ minions, however.
Game end
- When all players’ first monsters are complete or no face-down tiles are left, the game is over.
- Each player scores one point per tile in a completed first monster, and one point per tile showing an eye in each completed minion
- One point per tile with an eye, not one point per eye.
- Uncompleted monsters and minions score no points.
- Remember, any exposed thin or thick bit will cause that monster to be worth 0.
- The player with the highest score wins.
- If there is a tie for highest score, the tied players rejoice in their shared victory.
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