문 리버
문 리버는 킹도미노의 규칙을 따왔지만, 도미노는 쓰지 않습니다.
이 게임에서는 타일을 놓아 개인 공간을 채우면서 점수를 얻지만, 도미노 대신 한쪽을 직소 퍼즐처럼 이을 수 있는 반쪽 도미노 조각을 씁니다. 도미노 조각 2개를 합쳐 직접 도미노를 제작하게 되죠. 이 규칙은 여러 번 게임을 할 때의 다양성을 높여줍니다.
가운데의 성에서 시작해 주변 풍경을 짜맞추지 않고, 강에서부터 뻗어나갑니다. 또한, 킹도미노에서 점수 배율을 나타내는 왕관은 소 모양의 말로 바뀌었으며 카우보이를 써서 움직일 수도 있습니다.
플레이어 수: 2 - 4
게임 시간: 62 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
문 리버 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
문 리버 및 다른 게임 986개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Build the best ranch by the time all the plots are distributed
As part of setup, each player chooses an unoccupied plot in the display and places a Ranchero on it
In 3 players, the unchosen plot is discarded
Term Definition: A Territory is a group of connected plots which share the same terrain type
There is no predetermined turn order, instead the current player is whoever has a Ranchero on the highest spot on the active plot column
When it is your turn, first take the plot your Ranchero is sat on
If there is space in your reserve, place it in your reserve
If there is not space, then you MUST carry out Expand Your Ranch
Expand Your Ranch is usually optional, unless your reserve is overflowing, however you must have at least 2 plot tiles in order to take this action
Take 2 plots from your reserve and lock them together to make a conjoined domino, there is no orientation rules based on visuals, just as long as you can make them lock
Place the newly formed domino in your grid
Whether you took the Expand Your Ranch action or not, finally move your Ranchero to a new Plot on the pending column (i.e. what will be used next round)
Remember, the higher in the column you place, the more choice you'll have the following round
Expand Your Ranch
As mentioned, as soon as you have 2 plots (or 4) you can (must) take this action
Two plots create a Domino
A new domino can either be placed next to a pre-existing one or adjacent to one of your 3 bridges
If placing adjacent to a pre-existing domino, at least one of the depicted terrains on the new domino must match up with the same terrain type on the previous domino
If you had 4 plots and were forced to place, you may play TWO dominos, but also can just stick to the minimum requirement of one. However, each domino must be fully placed and resolved before placing the other.
If you are forced to expand but can't make a legal placement, pick any two of your plots and discard them from the game
Some plots and thus dominos have special symbols on them, which can be resolved after placement
The symbols must be resolved in a set order if you have multiple of them (cows first, skulls second, circles last)
If you placed a cow symbol, take the number of cows corresponding to the number of symbols and place the cow pieces on that plot
If you placed a skull symbol, kill a cow for each skull symbol which resides in the SAME territory. i.e. if there are no cows in the skull's territory, but cows elsewhere, those cows live. If a skull fails to kill a cow, it is ignored and not resolved later. Remember that if both plots making up the domino are from the same territory and both have skulls on them, ALL skulls will affect the same territory
If you placed a circle symbol, first choose a partner token from those available in the saloon, decide whether you want it as a specialist or a cowboy then place it in the circle, then apply its effect. Partner token supply does NOT get refreshed at this point. As such, if you place a circle symbol and the supply is empty, nothing happens.
End of Round
The round ends when everyone has had a go (i.e. there are no Rancheros on the active column)
Slide the pending column along to become the new active column, and create a new pending column (if you can't do this, the game ends)
Otherwise, refill the Partner supply so all Partners are on the Specialist side then start a new round
Regardless of whether you play the Partner as a Specialist or a Cowboy, the Partner will protect that territory from the Cattle Thief Partner
The Cowboy - you get 3 points of movement to move the same or different cows to orthogonally adjacent plots, however the cows aren't allows to step on corn plots or else you'd starve
The Desperado - Swap a plot in your reserve with a plot in an opponent's reserve, as long as you both have at least 1 plot
The Cattle Thief - Steal a cow from an opponent and place it on the cattle thief's plot (remember Partners protect cows in their territory, which includes the Cattle Thief, so once stolen it can't be stolen back!)
The Gold Digger - at end game, score 1 point per nugget in your ranch
The Trapper - at end game, score 1 point per beaver in your ranch
The Farmer - at end game, score 1 point per corn in your ranch
Game End
The end game is triggered when the pending plots can't fully be filled
One final round occurs, where you take actions on the active plot row but obviously can't pick a new plot
Expand Your Ranch action is mandatory in this final round, even if you don't have 4 plots (however, if you only have 1 plot, you can't take it)
After the round is complete, check for Cow Overpopulation, whereby each plot can only contain ONE cow. Plots with 2+ cows on them have the excess cows discarded from the game, so all plots at most only contain 1 cow
Once done, move on to scoring:
Territories score by multiplying cows by plots, a 4 plot territory with 2 cows is worth 8, a 10 plot territory with 0 cows is worth 0. Note that this is the cow figures NOT the symbols. Multiple Territories of the same type ALL have the chance to score, so if you have a 2Px2C Forest one end of your ranch and a 4Px3C Forest at the other end of the ranch, they BOTH can score
Each Nugget, Beaver, and Corn symbol gives everyone 1 point naturally
If you have Partners which give you bonus points for these symbols, you get these as extra points too
The player with the highest score wins!
If tied, the player with the largest single territory wins!
If still tied, the player with the most cows wins!