파크 라이프
비가 올 때는 우산, 더울 때는 아이스크림, 추울 때는 차와 커피, 바람이 불 때는 연, 안개가 낄 때는 마스크를 팔아보세요.
파크 라이프는 날씨를 나타내는 5가지 무늬를 쓰는 트릭테이킹 게임입니다. 손님들은 머리가 잘 돌아가니, 가장 마지막으로 가장 낮은 가격을 제시한 사람이 상품을 팔게 됩니다. 선도패와 같은 무늬의 카드 중 가장 가치가 낮은 카드가 트릭을 따게 되지만, 그만큼 얻는 점수도 낮습니다. 게다가 기회비용도 있지요. 상품을 팔수록 점점 지치게 되어, 트릭을 따면 뒷면으로 카드를 더 버립니다. 낮은 가격의 상품은 재빨리 팔아치울 수 있지만, 그러면 먼저 집에 가서 상대에게 비싼 상품을 팔 기회를 넘겨줄 수도 있습니다!
균형잡힌 손패 관리 및 액션 이코노미를 통해 완전정보 게임 상태를 방지하면서 선택지를 늘립니다. 게임이 끝날 때 가장 돈을 많이 번 사람이 승리합니다! 1인 모드나 협력 모드에서는 정해진 목표 점수에 도달해야 합니다.
플레이어 수: 1 - 8
게임 시간: 11 mn
복잡성: 2 / 5
파크 라이프 및 다른 게임 960개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
파크 라이프 및 다른 게임 960개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
How to Play
1. Sale (a ‘trick’)
Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, each player plays a card from their hand.
2. On Suit:
The first card played and other cards matching its weather are called on suit. You don’t need to play on suit if you don’t want to!
3. Determine the Winner
The lowest valued card on suit wins the sale. Ties are won by the last player to play the lowest value on suit card.
4. The winner scores their card:
When you win a sale, you keep the card you played as points equal to its value. Place it in front of yourself.
5. Losers Discard Cards Played
Each player who lost the sale discards the card they played.
6. Winner Discards From Hand
When you win a sale, discard cards from your hand equal to the number of Discard Icons on the card you won, face down.
7. Pay what you have:
If you don’t have enough cards to discard when you win a sale, it’s okay. Simply discard the cards you have left in your hand.
8. Next Sale:
The winner of the sale goes first next sale (taking the train marker).
- If the sale’s winner now has no cards in hand, the next player clockwise with cards in hand goes first.
- Players with cards continue to play until everyone has no cards in hand.
- If everyone has no cards in their hands, proceed to scoring.
If you’re the only player that in your hand, you play sales without competition. You must still discard cards after each sale as normal — you don’t simply win every card leftover in your hand.
Next Round:
- Shuffle the deck and discarded cards together. DO NOT SHUFFLE POINT CARDS PLAYERS WON!
- Deal each player new cards based on the chart on page 3.
- The winner of the last sale of the last round goes first.
Scoring and Winning
After 3 rounds, players sort their numbered cards into piles of suits, with wild cards in their own pile, and then put set collecting cards aside their suit piles.
First sum all the points for all the numbered cards.
1x Set Cards:
Then, add the points for sets. For each 1x Set card, score 1 point for every card you won that shows a matching icon, including itself, other matching set collecting cards, and each wild card.
Neighbor Set Cards:
For each Neighbor Set card, score 1 point for every card your neighbors won that shows a matching icon, including wild cards.
Highest score wins the game.
If tied at the end of a game, the tied player who won the latest sale wins the game.
Solo or 2p Co-op Rules
Solo Deal:
Each round, deal yourself two hands of 12 cards. Keep each face up. Play each like different players taking turns in a circle. Each hand has its own score area.
Co-op Deal:
Each round, both players draw 12 cards. Players can’t show or talk about cards in their hand.
On Suit:
You must play on suit if able. If you don’t have a card on suit, you may play any card, but cannot win the sale.
Wild cards count as on suit for every suit. You may play them during any sale, but if you don’t have any other cards on suit, you must play a wild if you have one. Last tied card wins the sale.
Table Talk:
In co-op, you cannot discuss the cards you have in your hand. (Beginners may talk freely).
Winning Solo/2p Co-op
After the third round, count each player or hand’s score! The lowest score is the team’s final score.
- Score 45+ Not bad!
- Score 55+ Good job.
- Score 65+ Wow!