아무도 언제 제국의 통치가 시작되었는지 기억하지 못합니다. 다들 제국의 통치는 영원하며 저항 따위는 불가능하다고 했지만, 이번 저항세력만큼 철저히 준비를 한 집단은 없었습니다. 비밀리에 계획을 짜고, 정보를 모으고, 여러 구역에 불신의 씨앗을 퍼뜨렸죠. 그렇지만 제국은 수많은 이점을 이용해 저항세력을 전력으로 찍어누르려고 합니다. 이제 혁명이 시작됩니다. 언레스트에서는 2명이 다섯 도시 구역의 통제권을 확보하기 위한 비대칭 경쟁을 벌입니다. 저항세력이 임무를 완수하고 제국을 무너뜨릴까요, 제국의 통치가 계속될까요?
플레이어 수: 2
게임 시간: 15 mn
복잡성: 1 / 5
언레스트 및 다른 게임 960개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
언레스트 및 다른 게임 960개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
Be the first to complete your side's objective
Each round is divided into a series of phases between the Rebellion and Empire player
First, the Rebellion player picks two adjacent districts and slides their Area of Interest marker between them along with 3 cards (two hidden and one revealed)
After which, the Empire uses two unique tokens to perform actions, these two are flipped face down and will remain face down for some time
Finally, the Rebellion player decides which of the two districts marked by the Area of Interest token each card will actually be assigned to, these can be the same or different but stay in their current form (hidden or revealed)
Round End
First, check for Liberation, if a district contains cards that meet the criteria on a Mission card, reveal hidden cards until this is the truth then discard the cards, the district, and the mission. After which, slide the districts to fill the gap so the adjacent districts are now adjacent to each other.
If the Empire has exhausted all their actions, they all flip to active. If at least 2 are still active, none of the used ones are flipped.
Rebellion Cards & Empire Tokens
The Rebellion player has value 2-6 in 4 suits, as well as 4 Misdirection cards which are useless to Missions but may throw the Empire player off
The Empire player has 4 unique tokens as such:
Surveil - Reveal a hidden card
Destroy - Discard a card but keep its status (hidden or revealed)
Reroute - Move a card and keep its status (hidden or revealed)
Blockade - Prevent cards from being added to that district
Game End
If the Rebellion player liberates THREE districts, they win!
If the Rebellion player needs to draw new cards for a new round, but there are not at least 3 to take, there is a Final Encounter
The Rebellion player takes all the cards available in the deck (if any)
Cards played are not played to an Area of Interest, instead they are played in a neutral space, after the Empire player takes their turn, the Rebellion Player can assign these final cards to any district they wish
If the Rebellion player now liberates three districts, they win!
Otherwise, the Empire player wins.