트릭테이킹 게임인 위자드는 전통적인 (4가지 무늬의 1~13으로 구성된) 52장 덱에 4장의 (가장 높은) 마법사와 4장의 (가장 낮은) 광대를 합쳐 60장의 덱을 사용합니다.
플레이어 수에 따라 결정되는 라운드 수에 맞춰 게임이 진행되며, 가장 높은 점수를 기록한 사람이 승리합니다. 라운드마다 플레이어에게 카드가 분배되는데, 1라운드에는 1장, 2라운드에는 2장, 3라운드에는 3장 같은 식으로 늘어납니다. 그 뒤 아직 남은 덱의 맨 위를 뒤집어 트럼프를 결정합니다. 일반 카드가 공개되면 그 카드의 무늬가 트럼프가 됩니다. 광대가 공개되면 그 라운드에는 트럼프가 없습니다. 마법사가 공개되면 딜러가 원하는 무늬를 트럼프로 지정하며, 이 경우 트럼프를 지정하지 않는다는 선택은 불가능합니다. 게임의 마지막 라운드에는 모든 카드를 사용하기 때문에 트럼프가 없습니다. 모든 플레이어는 카드를 받은 뒤 라운드마다 각자 자기가 가져갈 트릭의 수를 공약합니다.
플레이어 수: 3 - 6
게임 시간: 19 mn
복잡성: 3 / 5
위자드 및 다른 게임 1003개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
위자드 및 다른 게임 1003개를 온라인으로 즐겨보세요.
다운로드가 필요없으며, 웹 브라우저에서 바로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
친구들과 그리고 전세계의 수많은 게이머들과.
규칙 요약
The objective is to correctly predict the number of tricks you will take in each round in order to receive points. Highest score wins!
- Shuffle all 60 cards, include 13 dwarves, 13 elves, 13 giants, 13 humans, 4 wizards and 4 jesters.
- Deal a number of cards equal to the round number to each player. The next card turned up is trump.
- If the card is jester, there is no trump. If the card is wizard, the dealer chooses the trump. In the last round there is no trump.
- Each player, starting from the player to the left of the dealer, bids a number of tricks that they are going to take.
- The player to the left of the dealer starts the first trick and leads any card. If the card led is a wizard, it wins (the other players may play any suit). If it is a jester, the next card played determines the lead suit. If only jesters are played, the first jester wins.
- Players must follow suit if possible. If a player cannot follow, they play any other suit, including the trump suit. Wizards and jesters can be played at any time.
- A trick is won by the first wizard played. If there are no wizards, it is won by the highest trump. Else, it is won by the highest card of the lead suit. The winner of a trick leads the next trick.
- If a player predicts correctly, they score 20 points, plus 10 points for each trick taken.
- If a player predicts wrongly, they lose 10 points for each over or under trick.
End of Game
- When all the cards are dealt out in a round, that round is the last.
- That means there are 20 rounds with three players, 15 rounds with four, 12 rounds with five and 10 rounds with 6.
- At the end of the game, the player with the highest score wins.
- Hidden prediction: Predictions are revealed simultaneously before the round is played.
- Plus/minus 1: The total number of tricks predicted by the players may not equal the number of tricks available in any round.
- Secret prediction: Predictions are not revealed until the round ends.
Game Length
- 5 rounds: Only 5 rounds are played.
- Amigo tournament rules: 10 rounds are played with modified number of cards. With 3 players, start with 2 and add 2 each round. With 4 players, start with 1, add 2 until the 6th round, then add 1 each round. With 5 players, start with 2, add 2 in 2nd round and 1 in other rounds.
In the first round, when each player only has one card, players do not look at their own cards. Each player holds their card up in front of their forehead so all other players can see the front of the card. After all players have seen the others’ cards, but not their own, predictions are made.